Emperor's Club Questions

The Emperor’s Club: Character, Ethics, and Morals
Identify the following characters:
1. Mr. Hundert:
2. Sedgewick Bell:
3. Deepak Mitah:
4. Lewis Masouti:
5. Martin Blythe:
6. Mr. Ellerby:
7. What is the setting of this film?
8. What is the theme of this film?
Many noteworthy quotes are in this film. Read the following quotes, explain what they
mean, and rephrase them to put them into your own words.
“The end depends upon the beginning.”:
“A man’s [woman’s] character is his fate.”:
“Great ambition and conquest without contribution is without significance.”:
“It is not living that is important, but living rightly.” Socrates:
Saint Benedict’s Code—“Self-governance based on mutual trust.”:
Another quote that is not in the film, but is worthy of discussing is: “Character is
doing the right thing when no one is looking.” J. T. Wright:
Plot-Based Questions
In what way(s) is/are Mr. Hundert and Sedgewick Bell similar?
How is Sedgewick able to gain popularity with his classmates?
What do you suppose the turning point is for Sedgewick—the point at which he
begins to change his ways (at least for a little while)?
Explain the methods of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest. What would the equivalent
be in the modern-day public school system?
Which student’s father is a previous winner of the Mr. Julius Caesar contest?
How does this fact demonstrate irony in the storyline of the film?
What was Sedgewick’s father’s reaction to Mr. Hundert saying “It is my job to
mold…[Sedgewick’s] character?
Do you believe that it is part of a teacher’s job to mold his/her students’
characters? Explain.
Why do you think that it is so important for Sedgewick to win the Mr. Julius
Caesar contest?
In what way(s) is Mr. Hundert less than honest? What significance does this have
in the storyline?
Why do you think the Headmaster decided to let the cheating “slide”?
What is so tragic about the adult Sedgewick Bell’s character? How is his
announcement at the end of the modern-day Julius Caesar contest ironic?
When does the adult Sedgewick finally realize the consequences and seriousness
of his actions?
What do you think motivates the adult Sedgewick to have a re-match of the Mr.
Julius Caesar contest?
Probing Questions
Why do people cheat? List several reasons.
Is there a decreased chance of someone cheating if there is an increased risk of
getting caught? Why or why not?
Please put a checkmark next to the statements that you believe are true.
It is okay to cheat on the following items:
______ ACT
______ Driver’s Test
______ Taxes
______ Quiz
______ Test
______ Homework
______Spouse/ Boy(Girl)friend ---Who would get hurt if people cheated on these items?
______Lying and cheating go together, because you usually have to lie if you have
______Giving someone else the answers is not as bad as cheating on your own.
______ There are varying levels of cheating; some are worse than others are.
______ Cheating gets easier the more times that you do it.
______ Whether I’ve contributed to the problem or not, I believe that dishonesty and lack
of integrity have become a huge societal problem.
______ I do not see what the big deal is about cheating; everyone does it.
______ If I felt that someone was cheating, or being dishonest, I would ignore the
situation and never tell. It’s not my problem.
______ Television and films have an impact of the lack of moral values and integrity of
How would you feel if your primary care physician was an expert cheater? How
would this affect you?
I know that it seems far off into the future, but what do you plan on telling your
children about honesty and integrity (lying and cheating)?
What is your opinion of this film?