NBPTS Entry 4 Tips | The Cornerstone

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NBPTS Entry 4 Tips
What’s Here
This page shares information I wish every National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
(NBPTS) candidate knew about the entry 4 (documented accomplishments) portfolio
instructions, based on the information I learned as a candidate, mentor, and especially as an
assessor for entry 4 one summer. I was trained by NBPTS to analyze this entry and have
examined hundreds of them under the tutelage of National Board Certification trainers. I used
this experience as a candidate in 2006 and earned a 4 on this entry. Rules do change from time
to time, and all of the guidelines I give below are based on my own understanding of NBPTS’s
expectations, so they should always be checked against current portfolio instructions.
First Things First: This Entry Is Not All About You!
This entry is all about STUDENT IMPACT (SI). The purpose is not to show what a great
teacher you are through all of your fabulous accomplishments: it’s to show that you are an
accomplished teacher because your development as a learner/leader/collaborator and work with
families and the community has a positive affect on student learning. I cannot over-stress this.
For the purposes of e4, it does not matter if you have spent 25 hours a week for the past 10 years
creating a free after-school tutoring program using $30,000 of your own funds if you cannot
provide evidence that students benefited.
Why Some Candidates Score Poorly
The common misconception among candidates who don’t do well on e4 is that they failed to go
above and beyond their teaching duties and contribute significant things in their schools. Many
times they assume that if they had just served on that extra committee or helped create some
spectacular fundraiser they would have done better on this entry. In my experience as an
assessor, a lack of accomplishments is usually not the problem, because most candidates are
dedicated professionals who go above and beyond normal teaching expectations. Candidates
who score poorly on this entry almost always do so because they failed to demonstrate student
impact. The point they miss- that I really want you to get- is this: It’s better to have ordinarysounding but solid accomplishments that show significant SI than to have extraordinarily
creative accomplishments for which you do not provide evidence of increased student
Keep Your Description and Significance Concise
Most candidates have a tendency to focus too much
on describing what they’ve done. When you do your write-up, picture e4 as a triangle with three
parts: Description, Significance, and Impact. Description is the smallest section because it is the
least important. You should therefore use the least amount of space. Be clear and concise–tell
what you did in a few short sentences. The details you feel like you have to include will become
evident as you go on to explain the significance and impact, so you don’t need to chronicle
everything in the first part.
The second part is Significance, which tells why what you’ve described is important (in relation
to your work as a learner/leader/collaborator and as a partner with students’
families/community). This section is a bit longer than the Description and can be used as the
lead-in to the SI you describe in the third and most important section, which is student impact.
How To Keep Your Write-Up Focused on Student Impact
Because the most important part of your accomplishments is the impact on students, you should
elaborate on this section the most. While the rubrics don’t require the SI to be specific in
every case, the more detailed your examples, the stronger the entry. Your SI could be
described using individual student examples, small or whole group achievements , or the impact
on your entire grade level/ school/district/state, depending on the type of accomplishment. Be as
specific as possible–phrases like “the class did better”, “she liked reading more”, or ‘I really felt
like the kids learned a lot” are too ambiguous. If you have trouble describing the SI, you may
not want to include the accomplishment. For the purposes of this entry, what you did is only
an accomplishment if you can document SI.
Choosing the Strongest Accomplishments
Because ultimately we want to further the growth of the whole child, accomplishments that
impact students on a socio-emotional level or contribute to the functionality of the family unit
are certainly worthy of inclusion. However, in my opinion, the majority of your
accomplishments should be focused on academic achievement, because our primary goal as
teachers is to further students’ cognitive growth. Include the things you’ve done that have had
the largest impact on student learning. I would suggest listing possible accomplishments along
with ideas for documentation, and then writing about those you think you could provide strong
SI for. Afterwards, work with your mentors to choose the strongest accomplishments and get rid
of the rest.
Is It Better to Have More Accomplishments?
You can have up to 8. I have seen successful entries that had only 3. This decision is entirely up
to you. I do want to clarify that the number of things you’ve done is NOT necessarily the
same as the number of accomplishments you write. The portfolio directions clearly state, ‘An
accomplishment may be a single activity or event, or a set of related activities and events that are
logically related in a unified goal or outcome”. I felt I had accomplished more than 8 things
during my career that should be included my entry. I used only 4 accomplishments, but each
contained multiple related achievements/events.
For example, one of my accomplishments was about family outreach and communication. I
described 4 or 5 different things I did to establish 2-way communication and relevant outreach to
family members and included them altogether in one accomplishment. (I wrote the first
activity/event’s description, significance, and impact in one paragraph, the second
activity/event’s description, significance, and impact in the second paragraph, and so on). Many
candidates choose to include related activities in one accomplishment–this is absolutely
allowed, and if you’ve done a lot of significant things, I recommend this strategy. However,
if you have difficulty coming up with accomplishments, you may want to stick to the one activity
per accomplishment formula, and really elaborate on the things you have done.
Do You Really Have TWO-WAY Communication With Families?
This is a critical component of e4. You need clear evidence of ongoing, consistent two-way
communication. Newsletters and websites are NOT two-way unless you specifically detail
how parents use these tools to communicate with you provide and feedback to you.
That’s not to say you should leave those kind of things out of your entry if you use them as only
one-way communication tools: they are still significant if you can show SI. You just need to
show two-way communication in some other method. Most candidates do this with
communication logs, either in the form provided by NB or in one they created. I’m going to
debunk a huge myth here- you do not HAVE to use a communication log! If you can show
strong evidence of TWO-WAY communication with families without using a log, then consider
it optional.
Remember that according to the level 4 rubric, two-way communication should be
PRIMARILY focused on academics (‘substantive teaching and learning issues and
individual student progress’). A communication log that chronicles phone calls about behavior
problems is not as strong as one that also records conversations about academic
progress. Assessors are looking not only for frequency in communication, but also
variety. Some of the highest-quality communication you can document would include new
information you learn about a child (communicated from the parent), followed by changes to
your teaching practice you make as a result of that new knowledge (communicated to the parent),
and growth on the part of the child as a result (also communicated to the parent).
The Purpose of Documentation (It’s Not Just Proof That You ‘Did It’)
UPDATE MAY 2014: Please see comment section: it appears that assessors are no longer
evaluating documentation.
Remember that the purpose of your accomplishments is to show the impact on student learning;
therefore, documentation that supports your claims about SI is ideal. The strongest
documentation focuses on students’ growth and achievement as the RESULT of the
achievement, rather than on proving that you did the accomplishment. This is not always
possible, depending on the nature of the accomplishment. However, in general, a verification
form from your administrator stating that you ran an after-school tutoring program is not as
strong as data showing student growth as a result of that program. The former proves that you
did the things you say you did; the later proves the student impact from the things you did, which
is what this entry is all about.
Do I Have To Document Everything?
You will need to back up every accomplishment with a documentation of some sort. You do
NOT have to document every single thing you say! (This is especially true when you include
multiple achievements/events inside a single accomplishment–pick the strongest evidence of SI
and include that for your documentation.) However, you DO have to describe everything you
document. For example, you cannot write about a workshop you took and then document it with
a certificate from another workshop in hopes of getting ‘credit’ from the assessor for both
workshops. There must be a tight alignment between your description and your documentation.
Getting the Most Out of Your Documentation Pages
NB provides a verification form, which in my personal opinion is not usually the strongest
evidence of an accomplishment, especially when all the form says is “this person did this
thing.” As a candidate myself, I liked to use every inch of space available to me to provide as
much evidence and as possible of what I’d done, so most of my documentation pages were
collages of different yet related materials.
For example, to document family workshops, I included photos and parent feedback forms on the
same page. You are allowed by NB to include multiple items on one page as long as they are
related and you do not shrink the text. (I included only small pictures and cut off part of the
feedback form, then put it all together on one page and made a photocopy so it looked cleaner).
On another documentation page (for leadership and collaboration), I printed emails (from
teachers I helped through this website), cut them out, pasted them onto one page, then
photocopied it for a clean look. So, there were multiple emails on one page. I tried to make each
page of my documentation different, which is not required, of course, but I think this method
provided a more holistic picture of my accomplishments.
Final Thoughts
Think creatively, and let your personality and unique interests in particular aspects of your work
as teacher show through your entry! Be encouraged- you can do this!!
More NBPTS Resources on This Site
Main National Board Certification page
5 Best NBPTS Resources
NBPTS Time Management
NBPTS Writing Tips
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{ 32 comments… read them below or add one }
1 Linda Johnson March 2, 2013 at 12:18 pm
Can I used my Sunday school class as an accomplishment, although they are ages 65-92?
2 Angela Watson March 2, 2013 at 4:13 pm
Hi, Linda! I haven’t heard of anyone using that as an accomplishment, but that doesn’t
mean it can’t be done. You need to be able to show evidence of student impact, and if
you can do that, I suppose you could use adult Sunday School teaching experience.
Unless you have really spectacular evidence, though, I’d be tempted to leave it out if I
were you, and focus on work with kids.
3 Linda Johnson March 2, 2013 at 9:04 pm
Thanks, Angela.
I do have quite a bit of documentation to show student impact. Also, I teach 10th grade
English, but I tutor a first grade student in Language Arts. I use some of the same
strategies with her as I do with my 10th grade students. Would you suggest I use this as
an accomplishment? I can definitely show student growth. I know I am using different
ages to show students impact, but one of my accomplishments will definitely be with my
10th grade students.
4 Angela Watson March 4, 2013 at 4:22 pm
If I were you, I’d write everything up and then delete whatever you see as the weakest
evidence of student impact.
5 Barrett March 19, 2013 at 1:30 pm
I am having trouble with the 2-way communication. I am an exceptional needs teacher
and have many emails/phone calls from 2 separate parents and how they appreciate my
communication with them both in order better assist their child both in and out of school.
I was told by another NBCT that I couldn’t use either of those because I was only doing
my job. Any advice?
I do have one entry where I have worked with community partners of my school for tech
parent nights and math nights to involve our parental community. It isn’t individual
communication, but will that give some demonstration of community communication?
Thank you!!
6 Angela Watson March 27, 2013 at 3:40 pm
I think the parent nights are a GREAT way to demonstrate communication! Make sure
it’s 2 way communication, though–maybe via a parent survey after the parent nights?
I would not count phone calls and emails to parents as 2 way communication, as it’s not
considered going above and beyond the job requirements unless you have a really unique
7 Barrett March 27, 2013 at 4:24 pm
Thank you so much! I have been very worried about having the BEST evidence of
everything for Entry #4. I do have parent and student surveys for my school’s parent
night and hopefully I will have some ‘good’ feedback to use as evidence!
8 Lisa March 23, 2013 at 8:45 pm
Hi Angela
Thank you for sharing your knowledge about NBPTS. Regarding E4, I just read tonight
that “students” can be parents, colleagues or others in the profession. Is it true that
SImpact does not have to be actual child but any person whom you are interacting with?
I’m thinking of the multiple parent nights I organize throughout the year. Can the parents
be the ones impacted as opposed to their students?
Thanks so much!
9 Linda Johnson March 23, 2013 at 11:01 pm
This was my understanding also, but what would be the purpose of the contextual
informtion? I have decided to focus on student inpact, rather than on adults and on
younger kids.
10 Angela Watson March 24, 2013 at 1:11 pm
Hi, Lisa. I’m not sure I feel qualified to give advice on that. I think you should check
with NB or at least with an official NB support group. I would hate to advise you
incorrectly. That said, my understanding is that student impact refers to students, though
not necessarily your own (hence the work with colleagues and other educators.) My NB
certification work was as an early childhood specialist, so all the student impact I tried to
show was based on early childhood students (K-3). I would imagine that the purpose of
your parent nights was, at some level, to increase student achievement in your
class/school, and therefore, I’d try to tie the student impact into that. What did parents do
differently after the parent nights that had a positive affect on student achievement?
Again, check with someone more official than me on this, but my understanding is that
it’s best to keep your student impact focused tightly on your students whenever possible.
11 Lisa March 26, 2013 at 12:47 pm
Thank you for your replies. I’ll look into calling NB for clarification.
12 Alisa Grimes March 25, 2013 at 4:00 pm
I have accomplishments from workshops I presented at but wonder how do I think this to
my students because these workshops were for adult learners (other teachers), any
suggestions? If not do you think I should not include this?
13 Angela Watson March 26, 2013 at 4:24 pm
Hi, Alisa, the student impact doesn’t have to be YOUR students, necessarily. You can
talk about how the strategies you showed the teachers impacted their students. I know
that’s difficult to quantify, but try to identify the need (why you spoke about a particular
topic) and how helping teachers improve in that area would affect their students’
learning. Presumably the things you showed the teachers are things you’ve tried in your
own classroom, so you can speak to how the strategies impacted your students and
therefore why you wanted to share those strategies with other teachers. I hope that makes
sense. I do think this is something you should ask a mentor in your area or online. I
haven’t done any work with NB in 7 years, so I’m pretty rusty on the whole process. This
page was written in 2006.
14 Angela Watson March 27, 2013 at 3:34 pm
I found this page today and it has some great examples of how to tie student impact to
workshops and parent nights: http://www.mrsruss.com/NBCandidates/nbentry4.html. The
tips were mostly learned in the same online NB mentoring group I recommend here:
15 Lisa March 28, 2013 at 10:59 am
Thanks again for responding to our questions. Your website has been a “go-to” for me
with your other resources as well as the NBPTS information. Thanks for keeping it up to
date and checking in.
16 Jason April 7, 2013 at 1:52 am
I have finally made the decision to pursue National Board Certification, and I have been
looking into Entry 4 A LOT! As for some of my accomplishments, I am considering the
1. As our schools National Honor Society adviser, my students organize and participate
in a Tree of Sharing and Food Drives to help out the local community (impacts the
students by teaching them civic duty)
2. I participated in a grant program to help further my content knowledge (social
studies/history) in which the overall goal was the creation of a unit of study that would be
utilized in my classroom that would directly impact student learning.
3. I led a campaign to help increase and improve the social studies department at my
school, resulting in the addition of new course offerings.
4. This next school year I am organizing a History Day competition at our school in
which students will become historians and research a topic of their choosing, and create a
presentation to help show what they have learned/accomplished (very similar to a science
fair). As an element of this, I plan to encourage parents to participate and I also plan on
having a panel of judges, made up of local community members.
My big questions to you….do you think these examples would work…and if so, what
should I be looking for in terms of documentation?
17 Angela Watson April 11, 2013 at 9:04 pm
Hi, Jason, these accomplishments sound good to me, however, it’s been 7 years since I
did any NB work (this is an old article). I would advise you to consult the mentoring
group referenced above so you can have someone who is currently mentoring help you.
Good luck!
18 Tito May 13, 2013 at 10:23 am
Could I use my CrossFit certification as an entry. Promoting exercise and free play
stimulates specific areas in the brain used in learning and memory. I know it is a stretch,
but I believe it is very important!
19 Angela Watson May 13, 2013 at 1:37 pm
How does your CrossFit certification impact student learning? If you can document that,
then it CAN be included, but it doesn’t mean it’s the strongest representation of your
effectiveness as an educator. You only have a few pages to prove your effectiveness as
learner, leader, and collaborator, so choose your accomplishments wisely.
20 M Upshaw August 16, 2013 at 4:05 pm
I need to recertify, and just realized I only have one shot at it, this year is the last chance.
I got my initial certification on the first try, but that seems like a lifetime ago. Since then,
I took a few years off to be home with my then small children, and have moved to
another state because of my husband’s job. I have been at my new teaching position for a
year. I’m wondering if there are others in this position and what percentage of teachers
have been able to recertify in the last year (no chance for resubmission). Any
advice/information would be greatly appreciated!
21 Angela Watson August 21, 2013 at 2:59 pm
I say go for it! I think many teachers are in your position and re-certifying is definitely
22 Candace March 5, 2014 at 8:58 am
I am currently working on my National Boards and found this website extremely helpful.
Do you have any other resources from assessors for the other 3 entries, especially related
to English/Language Arts? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
23 Monica Clark March 7, 2014 at 1:35 pm
Hi! I was hoping for a little professional guidance. I am currently working on Entry 4 in
Adolescence and Young Adulthood/English Language Arts. One of the things I would
like to include as an accomplishment is my work in creating and coordinating a group of
student tutors at my high school. They tutor in a middle school next door after school two
days a week, and their participation has positively affected academic growth in those
middle school students. My issue is that they tutor in math, not language arts. That is the
area of greatest need in the sixth grade. Can I still use this? It has an impact on student
academic growth in the kids that will attend the school in which I work (so definitely
shows community involvement), just not in my subject. I think it is a significant
accomplishment, but I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot.
24 Angela Watson March 7, 2014 at 2:47 pm
For the generalist certifications, student impact can be in any subject area. I am not sure
of the entry 4 directions for your certification, but check to see if the student impact has
to be in your area of NB certification–I don’t think it has to be.
Can you say that you created the tutoring group around the areas of greatest need in the
sixth grade, and not emphasize the subject area?
25 Crystal Smith March 18, 2014 at 8:23 pm
Hello. What is the BEST way to write your reflection. Other than the questions, what
should I address?
26 Jennifer Smith March 25, 2014 at 9:24 am
Hey! I am currently working on my NB certification as an early childhood generalist. I
taught in the classroom for 6 years, but have been a math interventionist for the last 4
years. One of the things I have done this year is create an edmodo group for the parents at
my school. This allows me to post information in the form of videos, texts, documents,
etc. and allows parents to respond with questions or requesting help with certain topics.
Could I also use this as two-way communication? I can print off pages showing were I
have communicated with parents to address their questions or give them resources to help
their children.
27 Katie May 7, 2014 at 5:16 pm
I would definitely use it!
28 Katie May 7, 2014 at 5:16 pm
I wrote NB and they told me that the documentation was supposed to prove you did what
you say NOT prove the student impact. I wrote because I was worried how to show state
test scores and prove that was my school and state without showing the names. They
responded my documentation was not supposed to be about student impact. This seems to
contradict what you have written.
29 Angela Watson May 7, 2014 at 7:44 pm
I’m really glad you shared this, Katie! The information they gave you is definitely
contradictory to the way I was taught to score. I’m wondering if their approach has
changed since I was a scorer.
I just took a quick look at the current instructions for Entry 4 and found this: “Assessors
do not evaluate the documentation; they are looking only for a clear connection between
documentation and your
accomplishment.” This was definitely NOT true when I was a scorer, unless I am
remembering incorrectly. So, I will amend what I have written above. I’m so glad you
brought this to my attention!
30 Samantha Dunn May 3, 2015 at 3:39 pm
I am working on entry 4 and I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on my
accomplishments I am considering using.
1. Meeting with each parent in January regardless of the academic need to show them
where their students are in correlation with other students nationally. I created a checklist
and form that showed parents what was the strengths and weaknesses of their child.
Meeting with each parent is not required at my school. We are only required to meet with
the parents of at risk learners. I was the only one in first grade who did this. As I was
meeting with each parent, the parent, student and I came up with a plan as to how we
could re mediate or accelerate their learning. For example, I have a student who is on a
third grade math level. The parent, student, and I decided that it would be a great idea to
pull work from a third grade teacher and allow the student to complete this work and
challenge the student. Over a course of time the student continued to grow in math and
the parents are thrilled that their student was pushed. On the other end I have met with a
students parents who are recently divorced. They keep me up to date through phone calls,
quick visits, and emails about what is going on in the students life. Over the course of the
year I have had to change the way I taught the student based on what was going on at
home. At one of the meetings the parent, student, and I came up with a plan to help the
student become successful in reading. The student is not in my reading group so therefore
I did not get the amount of time needed to spend with this student in reading. In order to
help the student I volunteered to come in twice a week 30 minutes early before class
starts to tutor the student in reading. The student was assessed not too long ago and since
the differentiation in instruction and tutoring the student has come up three reading
Am I on the right track? Or do you feel I need to revisit my ideas?
31 Namita June 24, 2015 at 11:20 pm
I am writing because I am little confused on what certification I should pursue. I am a
resource room teacher. I teach math, reading, writing, social skills and adaptive skills to
elememtary aged students. What do you think are good certification areas for me?
Thank you!
32 Angela Watson July 17, 2015 at 2:50 pm
Is there any area you are more passionate about?
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Preparing Entry 4: Why Some Candidates Score Poorly | NBCT Wave October 10, 2013
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