
For Immediate Release
Media Contact:
Kristi Porter
Captain Planet Foundation
v. 404-522-4270
Captain Planet and the Planeteers DOUBLE Earth Day Week Marathon
on Boomerang Network
Polluters Beware! Captain Planet and Team are on the Job!
ATLANTA – April 16, 2010 – No matter where you are in the world, you can celebrate the 40th
anniversary of Earth Day in a big way with the world’s first and only eco-superhero, Captain
Planet! In fact, the Cartoon Network’s 24-hour commercial free network showcasing classic
cartoons, Boomerang, will commemorate Earth Day with a double dose of Captain Planet and
the Planeteers. First up, on Saturday, April 17, they will host a 12-hour Captain Planet and the
Planeteers marathon from 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. The 12-hour marathon will feature handpicked
episodes from the show’s six successful seasons, many of which were selected by the show’s
original producers, Barbara Pyle and Nick Boxer! Second, the marathon will be replayed on
Earth Day, April 22, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Over the past few years, the marathon has only played on the Saturday before Earth Day in
traditional Saturday morning cartoon fashion, but parent company Turner Broadcasting System
has just announced the second showing not only as a special 40th anniversary of Earth Day
tribute but also as a 20th birthday salute to Captain Planet, first premiering on American
television in September 1990.
Relaying his timeless message, “The power is yours!” viewers can enjoy these classic episodes
as Captain Planet, Linka (Wind), Gi (Water), Wheeler (Fire), Kwame (Earth) and Ma-Ti (Heart)
fight to protect our home from villains and polluters. In this effort, it is our hope that children will
be exposed to important environmental concerns that are still relevant to this day through the
medium of television.
Go planet! Here is a list of the featured episodes:
Hero for Earth
Summit to Save Earth Pt. 1
Summit to Save Earth Pt. 2
No Place Like Home
Nothing’s Sacred
Mission to Save Earth Pt. 1
Mission to Save Earth Pt. 2
Two Futures Pt. 1
Two Futures Pt. 2
Five Ring Panda-Monium
An Eye for an Eye
101 Mutations
Whoo Gives a Hoot
Future Shock
Gorillas Will Be Missed
Energy Vampire
‘Teers in the Hood
Who’s Running the Show
Frog Day Afternoon
Greed is the Word
Sea No Evil
Bug Off
Jail House Flock
Going Bats, Man
No Horsing Around
Twilight Ozone
Disoriented Express
Ghost of a Porkaloin Past
About Captain Planet Foundation
Based on the critically-acclaimed cartoon series, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, the
Captain Planet Foundation (CPF) was founded in 1991 by Ted Turner. The mission of CPF is to
support hands-on, environmental projects for children and youths in grades K-12. CPF’s
objective is to encourage innovative endeavors that empower today’s children to be individual
and collective environmental stewards. CPF is committed to making a global impact with a
history of over 3,000 projects throughout the United States and around the world. For more
information, call 404-522-4270 or visit