ITA2200 FIU - Coral Gables Senior High

Ms. Melissa Ginsberg
Fall2013, FIU Dual Enrollment
This course is a dual enrollment course offered at Coral Gables High School by Florida
International University. Prerequisites include Italian 1, 2, and 3 and/or student must get
consent from the instructor.
Objectives & Goals: In this course you will further develop communicative skills in
Italian and use those skills to expand your knowledge of Italian culture. By the end of the
semester you will be able to communicate at an intermediate level about a variety of
topics, including your daily activities, university life, culture, shopping, family and food.
You will also be able to converse with ease in Italian with your peers.
The aim of this course is the further development of students’ language skills through an
in-depth review of grammar and intensive listening, speaking, reading, and writing
activities. The reading of short stories and texts on Italian civilization promote critical
reading. By the end of the semester the students will have a thorough understanding of
the main structures of the language and be able to understand and respond to the language
in a variety of registers. The course will introduce essential grammar constructions and
concentrate particularly on the following: double pronouns, distinguish between different
past tenses, present/past subjunctive, conditional.
General information: In order to maximize your exposure to the target language,
Instructors follow the policy of no English in class for themselves. It is up to you to seek
clarification and raise your hand if you don’t understand something. Within about a
week, you should be familiar with class format and daily expectations. Furthermore, you
are expected to come prepared to participate and to contribute, and in the process are
expected to be respectful to your peers and assist in the establishment and maintenance of
a positive learning environment. The use of cell phones and other electronic
communication devices is prohibited during class time. In addition, your instructor
reserves the right to prohibit behaviors that she or he deems inappropriate (e. g., eating
during class and so forth).
In order to meet the course goals and objectives, you must attend and actively participate
in class. Participation is a very important component of your grade, and each day your
instructor will make a mark in her/his grade book regarding your participation and will
assign you a weekly grade.
Students are expected to participate in class activities and to try to speak Italian
regardless of any mistakes you may make in the process. Errors are to be expected and
taken as a natural part of language learning. Class will be taught in the TARGET
Required Course Material
Small Italian Dictionary
Avanti! Aski, Musumeci, First edition, McGraw Hill or alternatively Prego! An Invitation
to Italian Lazzarino, Aski, Dini, Peccianti, Sixth edition, McGraw Hill
Course Components and Grading Scale:
Your final grade will be determined by the following components:
Final Exam
Compositions & Pop Quizzes
Tests/Oral presentations
Grading Scale
Participation is an important component of your final grade. If you miss class, no
participation points can be awarded for that day. If you do not agree with the participation
grade, you should speak to your instructor immediately. Disputes over participation
grades should not wait until the end of the semester since they are more difficult to
document and handle then. You will receive a weekly participation grade.
Homework is obligatory and will factor into your final grade. Homework will be
assigned each class and will be given to you by the instructor. It is recommended that you
exchange phone numbers with 2 other students in the class in case you are absent or
forget to write down the homework. The assignments are to be completed BEFORE
coming to class. The most effective way to do your homework is the following:
First, review the material covered in class that day and your class notes.
Second, do the workbook activities as these check your understanding of the material
covered in class. Your instructor might assign you specific exercises to do from the
workbook, but it is your responsibility to do all the exercises related to the grammar
points covered in class. The workbook exercises will be corrected in class. Make sure
you understand the corrections and why you made errors because you will encounter
similar activities on the exams. If you have doubts, ask your instructor for clarification
Third, study carefully the vocabulary and grammar sections in the textbook that
correspond to the next day’s topic. This is very important to prepare you to actively
participate in class.
You are expected to work on your Italian at least one hour every day in addition to class
Exams are lesson exams that correspond with the textbook. They will be announced in
class at least a week ahead of time and will be held in the room and class period in which
class is held. The final exam covers the whole semester.
During the course of the semester, your instructor will administer some short quizzes (a
minimum of 6, testing verbs and/or vocabulary) that together with the compositions will
account for 15% of the final grade.
There will be three assigned compositions during the semester. They’ll be written in
Italian, typed double spaced, at least 3 paragraphs long (400/500 words)
Oral exams
You will also have oral exams. The oral exam can consist of a presentation that you
deliver to the class on a topic of your choice, pre-approved by the instructor, or it can be a
2-3 minute conversation between you and a partner (carefully prepared and rehearsed). In
both cases the class will participate by asking you questions. Finally, you can opt for a
short interview with your instructor during his/her planning period.
1. Quality of interaction (20 points)
(18-20 pts)
Student stays all in Italian; successful in completing objective; consistently and
appropriately responds to others’ ideas and information; appropriate introductions/conclusions.
(16-17 pts)
Student stays all or mostly in Italian (with the exception of one or two words);
mostly successful in completing objective; sometimes responds to others’ ideas and information; attempts
Student sometimes uses English; only somewhat successful in completing
objective; rarely initiates interaction; introductions/conclusions absent.
Student overuses English; minimally successful in completing objectives; takes
his/her turn, but nothing else; introductions/conclusions absent.
(0 pts)
English predominates; incomprehensible speech; introductions/conclusions
2. Vocabulary (15 points)
(14-15 pts)
Impressive vocabulary used; no use of English words.
(12-13 pts)
Mostly appropriate vocabulary used; English used for only 1 or 2 words.
(11 points)
Moderate vocabulary; some use of English or invented words.
(9-10 points)
searches for words.
Very limited vocabulary; frequent use of English words; frequently misses or
Insufficient vocabulary to carry out task. Errors dominate.
(0 pts)
3. Grammar (15 pts)
(14-15 pts)
Appropriate use of forms covered in course (verbal inflections and basic syntax).
(12-13 pts)
Mostly appropriate verbal inflections and syntax; some errors.
(11 pts)
Few instances of correct morphology/syntax; errors are frequent.
(9-10 pts)
Little to no control of targeted structures; errors dominate.
(0 pts)
No control of targeted structures; errors dominate.
ITA2200/2240 Dual Enrollment
Professoressa Ginsberg
I have read and thoroughly understand the course requirements, course
expectations, and the course components, and I accept accountability for
compliance with said policy. I understand that this is a college course and I
am aware of the responsibilities that come with it.
I understand that I need to purchase a small Italian dictionary. ( Not having a dictionary will
hinder your grade and impede the learning process. You can purchase
used dictionaries on for as little as 4 dollars!!) Please don’t wait to buy
it…it will help your grade 
Name: ______________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________
Date: _______________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________
Date: _________________________
Please return for a homework grade by Monday, August 27, 2012