Policy Précis: Town Centre Improvements

Draft Town Centre Improvements Policy Precis
Why is this policy required?
Core policies 2A & 2B: Settlement Hierarchy & Hierarchy for Town Centre
Uses have set out that, as the most sustainable location within the District, the
Mansfield urban area is to be the focus for the majority of new development;
and as the highest order centre (in retailing terms), the majority of new retail
and leisure floorspace is to be directed to the town centre.
Core Policy 10 is an overarching policy which sets out the context for all
development within the Central Area of the town. It reflects the vision for the
town centre area, as defined on the Policies Map, and requires the Council to
work with partners, service providers, and developers to secure the overall
regeneration and improvement of the central area including the town centre.
Part of this approach is to facilitate a range of measures to enhance the town
centre environment and its streetscapes, including its civic spaces and
heritage assets to help make the town centre conducive to investment,
enterprise and action for positive change.
This development management policy is required to support the
implementation of Core Policy 10 by identifying the type of measures and
physical improvements required over the plan period in order to cumulatively
contribute to enhancing the town centre environment to meet the town centre
What will the policy say?
Town centre improvements
Mansfield Town Centre, as defined on the Policies Map, shall be the focus of
a range of measures to improve its physical environment, including the public
realm, in order to support its regeneration and vitality by making it an
attractive, accessible, safe, and inclusive place to live, work, visit, and invest,
in accordance with the Plan’s overarching town centre vision (see page x).
The Council will support proposals for development within the town centre
where it will positively contribute to the image of the town and the quality of
the town centre environment through a range of measures including:
Enhancements to the public realm / civic spaces – including street
furniture, paving materials, landscaping, improved signage;
Reducing visual clutter through the rationalisation and limitation of
Lighting of historic and key buildings;
Provision of public art;
Enhancements to the permeability of the town centre by encouraging
the use of historic alleyways with the creation of active frontages, use
of traditional paving materials and improved lighting;
Improving the pedestrian environment and reducing the barrier effect of
the ring road, especially at key crossing points / gateways;
Improvements to and reinvigoration of Mansfield’s Market;
Sustaining and enhancing the Old Town Hall and support for its reuse
consistent with its conservation;
Shopfront refurbishments and remodelling of floor plans to create more
attractive and usable retail units;
Reinstatement and enhancement of historic architectural detail;
Encouraging the reuse of vacant units;
Conversions that enable the use of upper floors of premises;
Refurbishment of the Four Seasons Shopping Centre;
Refurbishment of the Beales Department store;
Redevelopment of gap / infill sites;
Provision of cycle parking and facilities.
Development which would prejudice the achievement of the above measures
will be resisted.
What are the implications of using this policy?
The policy supports the realisation of the Plan’s town centre vision (see page
X) which can encourage inward investment.
It will contribute to creating an attractive, safe, accessible and inclusive town
centre environment.
The policy will need to be supported through a public realm improvement
strategy which is to be developed as the Streetscape Design Manual.
The policy provides a basis for public realm improvement projects which
potential Developer contributions / CIL monies or grants may be used to fund.
Delivery and Monitoring
This policy will be delivered through a combination of public and private sector
investment into Mansfield. This may be in the form of new development
within the town centre, developer contributions / CIL (if this approach is
adopted), grant funding, allocation of Council resources, and possibly BID
It will be supported by the proposed Streetscape Design Manual which will set
out a strategy for improvement works to the public realm within the town
The success of the policy will be monitored through the achievement of
specific improvement projects, increases in footfall, and public perception
It has been informed by the Urban Design Compendium: Mansfield Town
Centre, Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Management Plans, and
consultation responses – What you told us, Town Centre Survey 2011.
Related Core Policies
Settlement Hierarchy
Distribution of new development