Science Study Guide --- Microorganisms --

Science Study Guide --- Microorganisms --- Standard S5L4
Vocabulary: antibiotics, bacteria, microorganism, algae, protozoa, virus, single-celled
Main Ideas:
Every living thing affects other living things.
Microorganisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye. You must use a microscope to see them.
They live everywhere on earth, even inside your body.
Microorganisms are living things, but they are not plants or animals.
Microorganisms can be beneficial (good) or harmful (bad).
Helpful microorganisms can include bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa.
Harmful microorganisms can include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and algae.
Science Study Guide --- Microorganisms --- Standard S5L4
Vocabulary: antibiotics, bacteria, microorganism, algae, protozoa, virus, single-celled
Main Ideas:
Every living thing affects other living things.
Microorganisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye. You must use a microscope to see them.
They live everywhere on earth, even inside your body.
Microorganisms are living things, but they are not plants or animals.
Microorganisms can be beneficial (good) or harmful (bad).
Helpful microorganisms can include bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa.
Harmful microorganisms can include bacteria, fungi, viruses, and algae.