English 7 Essay And Then There Were None

English 7 Essay And Then There Were None Question: How does Agatha Christie build suspense in her novel, And Then There Were None? Answer this question by describing the ways suspense is built through: 1) Setting 2) Characters 3) Foreshadowing Your essay should include: 1) A clear introduction that gives a general overview of the story and its conflicts. The introduction should end with a thesis statement that answers the main question. Main Question: How does Agatha Christi build suspense in her novel, And Then There Were None? Thesis statement example: Agatha Christie builds suspense in the novel through an ominous setting, suspicious characters, and foreshadowing of disastrous events. 2) Specific details and support. Your essay should include 2‐3 direct quotes from the story. 3) Proper use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 4) A conclusion. Building an Outline And Then There Were None Format for outline (please type on separate sheet of paper) I.
State your thesis. Your thesis should answer the main question of the essay II.
Write your topic sentence about how setting builds suspense A. Specific example #1 B. Specific example #2 C. Specific example #3 D. Direct Quote III.
Write your topic sentence about how characters build suspense A. Specific example #1 B. Specific example #2 C. Specific example #3 D. Direct Quote IV.
Write your topic sentence about how foreshadowing builds suspense A. Specific example #1 B. Specific example #2 C. Specific example #3 D. Direct Quote V.
Write topic sentence for your conclusion 