Mitosis & Cytokinesis

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Mitosis & Cytokinesis
1. What is the human genome?
2. Describe the structure of DNA.
3. Describe the structure of a nucleotide.
4. Outline the process of protein synthesis, i.e. how are proteins made?
5. Define genetics.
6. Describe the structure and function of a gene.
7. Why do cells divide?
8. Compare and contrast the three main stages of cell division.
9. Describe the structure of the chromosome
10. Define chromatin.
11. What is a chromatid?
12. What is a homologous pair of chromosomes?
13. How many forms does DNA have and describe each.
14. What are histones?
15. How many homologous pairs of chromosomes do “normal” humans have?
16. How are the chromosomes of male and female humans different?
17. What is a karyotype and how can they be used?
18. Define the cell cycle.
19. List the key events and describe the form and location of the chromosomes in:
a. Interphase
i. G1
ii. S
iii. G2
b. Mitotic phase
i. Prophase
ii. Metaphase
iii. Anaphase
iv. Telophase
c. Cytokinesis
20. Compare and contrast cell division in animals, plants and bacteria.
21. Describe binary fission.
22. How often do cells divide?
23. Describe the function of cell division in cancerous cells.
Created by Nicholas J. Oehm