
Charquis Ross
Micah Jordan
Shay Hudson
Kevin Jean-Bart
Deven Chapman
 a subculture
 The term "Gothic" often applied to buildings
 began at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th.
 fantastic tales dealing with horror, despair, the grotesque and other “dark”
 named for the apparent influence of the dark gothic architecture of the period
on the genre
 "medievalness”
 Horace Walpole, whose The Castle of Otranto (1764) is the first true gothic novel, was
obsessed with gothic architecture, and built his own house in that style (as did Stephen
 Prominent features:
 terror (both psychological and physical)
 mystery
 the supernatural
 ghosts
 haunted houses and Gothic architecture
(e.g. castles)
 darkness
 death and decay
 madness
 secrets
hereditary curses.
An atmosphere of mystery and suspense.
Omens, portents, visions.
An ancient prophecy.
High, even overwrought emotion.
An ancient prophecy.
The metonymy of gloom and horror.
Gothic spawned a plethora of side genres, merging into a
wider definition of ‘horror film' including monster
movies and slasher films, anything dealing with the
supernatural or nightmarish fears.
 Vampyr
 The Horror of Dracula
 Frankenstein
 The Wolf Man
 Phantom of the Opera
 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
 The earliest horror films were Gothic in style - meaning that they were
usually set in spooky old mansions, castles, or fog-shrouded, dark and
shadowy locations.
 The main characters have included: demented madmen, devils, unfriendly
ghosts, monsters, demons, zombies, evil spirits, arch fiends, Satanic villains,
and the diabolical presence of evil.
 The first horror movie, only about two minutes long, was made by Georges
Melies, titled Le Manoir Du Diable in 1896.