Concerts in the Community form 2015-16

Boise High Orchestra: Concerts in the Community
As you listen to the performance, consider the questions below. After the concert, complete this form legibly and using
complete sentences! Remember to attach a program signed by a parent before turning it in to the file in the orchestra
room. First semester forms are due on or before December 11. Second semester forms are due on or before May 13.
Name of Concert:____________________________________
Date Attended:_____________
1. What piece on the concert did you enjoy most? Describe three musical/performance aspects that
made it enjoyable for you.
2. What piece on the concert was challenging to listen to? What musical/performance aspects
contributed to this feeling?
3. Describe something in this concert that was “new” to you. This could be a piece by a composer
you’ve never heard of, an instrument you’ve never heard performed live, or a creative staging aspect
you’ve never experienced. How did this new aspect either engage or disengage you?
4. If you were the artistic director for this concert in the future, what aspects would you keep in
place? What aspects would you enhance or change?
5. Would you seek out this type of concert experience again? Why or why not?