Essay 2: Islam and Violence or Islam and Women

RS 200
Essay One
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Essay format: typewritten (12 point font), double-spaced (with no blank lines in between
paragraphs), 1 inch margins, from 3.5 FULL pages to 4 pages in length excluding
references (less = incomplete; more = ignored).
Topic. Select one (and only one) of the two options below. Draw upon (a) CK and
lecture notes from course website in your analysis; and (b) textual evidence from Hussain
to support and develop your analysis.
1. Hussain argues that terrorist acts such as 9-11 were committed by “Muslims who
have departed from their own religious ideals” (139). He argues that such acts are
often connected with economic, political, and military factors.
A. First, in no more than one page, explain the arguments offered by Hussain to
support these claims.
B. Second, using the discussion in CK and the lecture notes about how religion
can legitimate and/or challenge the status quo in a given society as well as
CK’s analysis of Islam and War from pages 133-136; 138-139 explain and
evaluate arguments both for and against those of Hussain (from part A). In
particular, assess his arguments that Islam’s views on the morality of violence
(including the example of Muhammad on the use of violence) do not justify or
promote acts of terrorism.
C. Finally, using CK and lecture notes include 1-2 paragraphs explaining what
your analysis reveals about the relationship between religious and social
motivations for violence.
2. Hussain argues that the oppression of women is unIslamic and that culture often
determines gender roles.
A. First, in no more than one page, explain the arguments offered by Hussain to
support these claims with respect to one of the following practices:
I. Veiling of women
II. Marriage and polygamy
III. Male authority and gender equality
IV. Role of women in prayer and gender mixing in prayer
B. Next, using the discussion in CK and the lecture notes about how religion can
legitimate and/or challenge the status quo in a given society explain and
evaluate arguments both for and against those of Hussain (from part A). In
particular, assess his arguments that Islam (including the example of
Muhammad) can be a force to improve the rights of women.
C. Finally, using CK and lecture notes include 1-2 paragraphs explaining what
your analysis reveals about the relationship between religion and culture in
shaping gender roles.
Note: in both options, task B should occupy most of the paper.