Night Essay Topics

Mrs. Astorino
English 11
Novel: Night Author: Elie Wiesel
Choose ONE of the following essay topics in which you will analyze the question and form an
intellectual response in a formal, 5 paragraph essay (2-3 pages). You must include TWO quotes
from the novel in each body paragraph.
Night Essay Topics
1. What does the word Night symbolize for Wiesel? Why do you think
he entitled his book Night? How does he describe the nighttime,
and how does it compare to “day”? Look carefully at all the
ways/places in the text that this word is used, and decide what you
think the most important meaning of this word/symbol is.
2. Compare and contrast Elie’s attitude towards God and religion at
the beginning of the story and at the end. Use specific examples to
explain what causes the changes and when the changes occur.
3. Chronicle and analyze Elie’s dehumanization. How does he lose
his sense of self through his suffering and despair?
4. It is often said that compassion is a luxury afforded to those whose
sustenance is not in question. How does this relate to one or more
of the characters in Night?
5. Analyze the relationship between Elie and his father. What does
their relationship reveal on a thematic level?