The Crucible Essay Assessment

The Crucible Essay Assessment
To assess your knowledge of Arthur Miller’s, The Crucible, you must type a
persuasive essay on one of the following topics:
1. The events of The Crucible are tragic, and many argue could have been prevented. Who
do you feel is ultimately responsible for the hysteria that causes the tragic events of The
2. John Proctor’s death is brought about by many circumstances. Discuss the character you
feel is most responsible for this ultimate tragedy.
3. The Crucible is a story based upon many themes, one of them- Pride. Discuss one
character you feel is most guilty of that “sin,” and how it affected themselves and/or
4. While many characters in The Crucible can take the blame for the tragic events that take
place, some stay true to their beliefs in the face of adversity. Which character deserves
recognition for having the most integrity?
5. Puritan hypocrisy is a major theme of the play. Whom do you consider the most
hypocritical character in the play in light of the Puritan lifestyle?
Who is your audience:
- Any person who has read The Crucible and would have an
opinion on the topic. For purposes of this essay, your specific
audience is your teacher and your classmates.
Format Requirements:
- An organized and complete essay that includes a proper
introduction, body, and conclusion; quotes.
- A minimum of three paragraphs, but should probably be at least
five paragraphs if appropriate support is given.
- Typed; 12 pt. font; MLA format; two drafts
Grading Rubric:
- Ideas =
- Organization =
- Style =
- Conventions =
40% (must include at least 3 quotes)
20% (Intro; 3 body; conclusion)
20% (sentence structure; word choice)
20% (spelling; punctuation; etc.)
You will also be given an in-class objective test (study guide will be provided) on
Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2010, which will consist of multiple choices and short answers.
First draft due Monday, November 22, 2010
Final draft is due Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Remember that essays are worth 25%.