Lesson Plan Template for Teaching with

Sheila Kahrimanian
Grade Level: 8
Subject: Social Studies
Time Required: 2 class periods
Objectives and Goals:
The students will be able to identify songs of both the North and South during the Civil
War through primary source documents.
Through listening and analysis the students will complete a worksheet about Civil War
songs using primary source documents of both the North and the South.
The students will be able to empathize with the soldiers and the hardships they faced and
how song alleviated these hardships.
The students will comprehend the cycle of history by an awareness of how songs today
alleviate the hardships of life during war.
Common Core Standards:
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
vocabulary specific to domains remains related to history/social studies
Integrate visual information (examples: charts, photographs, songs, videos) with other
information in print and digital texts.
Analyze the relationship between a primary and secondary source on the same topic.
Anticipatory Set: 30 minutes
Discuss music and how it influences the lives of soldiers.
Transition into the influence of music on lives of soldiers during Civil War.
Springboard through class discussion of how song is valuable for today’s soldiers and
freedom fighters.
Play song “Goober Peas” from U-tube- Johnny Cash and Burl Ives are great examples.
You may choose your own selection but this is fun and educational.
Direct Instruction:
Pass out worksheet on “Music that Inspires; Yesterday and Today.
With them review objectives and questions on worksheet.
Display the songs’ lyrics - hand out or reproduced on smart board.
To entice learning and ease individual practice, as a group have the students answer the
directed questions with the teacher using “Goober Peas” as an example or another song.
Guided Practice: 1 class period- 40 minutes
Give each student or in groups designated by number of students hand out 8 songs with
their lyrics from the Civil War time period.
4 songs will be from North (designated by displaying on blue colored sheet).
Example of Northern song from Library of Congress website
o http://memory.loc.gov/cgibin/ampage?collId=amss&fileName=cw1/cw101440/amsspage.db&recNum=0&it
4 songs will from South (designated by displaying on red colored sheet).
Example of Southern song from Library of Congress website
o http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/ihas/loc.rbc.amss.as101370/default.html
Using the song lyrics, each student will analyze the song by answering the questions on
the worksheet,
If possible, let the students listen to their songs during class on computer.
Teacher will be walking around room checking for understanding and listening for peer
response, interaction and evaluation.
Closure: 1 class period-40 minutes
The teacher will collect the worksheets on Music that Inspires: Yesterday and Today.
The teacher and students will discuss the influence of song during the Civil War and
significance it had on the lives of the soldiers.
Students will share their responses and evaluations.
If time permits the teacher can show one or two of the songs using teacher-tube or u-tube.
Independent Practice:
The students will complete Music that Inspires: Yesterday and Today worksheet at home
if all requirements are not completed in allotted class time.
After class analysis students will complete On Your Own Activity: Find a song today
that would be inspiring to a soldier in Afghanistan. Include the lyrics, artist, and year of
Students will answer question in essay form. Why did you choose that song and how do
you feel it is beneficial to a soldier serving today.
Required Materials and Equipment:
Teacher: worksheets created by teacher - computer technology and websites of Civil War
Songs - Library of Congress
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpHiURKkY0Q (This is a sample-Yellow Rose of
Texas-Southern Song)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecIVIFLo0uE (This is a sample-When Johnny Comes
Marching Home Again- Northern Song)
Assessment and Follow-Up:
I will observe to determine if the students are able to identify songs of both sides during
the Civil War.
After listening and analysis I will determine if the students were able to complete the
worksheet on song analysis. (85% accuracy)
Through class discussion I will observe to determine if the students are able to empathize
with the hardships the soldiers experienced.
Through class discussion I will observe to determine if the students comprehend how
songs today alleviate the hardships of war.
Essay Evaluation- Through the On Your Own Activity I will determine that the student
will be able to write about the value of music on the lives of soldiers logically and in a
real life analysis. (85% accuracy)
Lesson overview-TPS - Music during the Civil War
Overall, the lesson went very well. It went a little longer that I originally planned for but I
also ended up using the Independent practice as an essay grade for their test on the Civil War.
Anticipatory set- We had been doing the Civil War for a few days so the students had some
background knowledge of the war and I started out with a light hearted viewpoint by playing
Goober Peas on U-Tube and as I got into more depth it got much more serious.
Direct Instruction and then Guided Practice- During this activity they read sheet music
provided to them which could be found on websites or listened to and answered questions based
on the lyrics. We first did this together using Goober Peas as an example and then they did it in
groups which went very well. It was a time for song analysis and group discussion. I put them
in groups of 2 and 3 representing both the North and South. This is when the Library of
Congress Websites could be made available. This went well and I walked around listening to
them interact while they answered the questions. The next day we went over the questions
together and based on grading and class discussion the students learned more about the culture
and entertainment during the Civil War time period.
Independent Practice - This was my favorite part and I feel it tied the whole lesson together. I
instructed the students to find a song from today that would be inspirational to a soldier fighting
in Afghanistan today. The student response was exceptional. It ended up extending the lesson a
day or two but was well worth it. I let the students share their songs on the smart board and I
happened to have a women observing a student that day and she commented on what a great
lesson it was which was nice to hear. Two of my favorites were Beethoven : Symphony No. 9,
and American Soldier by Toby Keith.