Friday (moderate winds from the east) Hurried beyond the bonfire Unfold in dragging pace The old and the new world Old gentlemen Carriers and keepers of culture and so language Groan under the weight of Bulky books of forgery Literal texts of speeches and statements Juridical concepts and theories More then fifty pages word Economy Comforting writings Some have Tears on cheeks Air alert cries In their march they encountered sporadic No fields or roads Mostly slippy and sloping roads Flat roads are treacherous And the fishermen too sailed like any other day A historic day. The book gets closed They will get a laboratory Faint light, yellowed writings and piano music Guards who have to be aware of their safety Unmanned cameras on the roof This is the best new year Ever I looked up and shouted: Hey, wake up Look at all these houses in the neighbourhood Sitting rooms only filled with mist Coarse-grained but in real-time Television images with mixed feelings Mostly directly broadcasted debates, interviews, Lectures and conferences. Often they graze reality Only an occasional individual is willing to sit What was to be seen of fire and smoke Marked the hit target Three minutes wailing sirens The dusty ether, a waving tone Sounds the ‘all safe’ With a touch of fatalism The book fair provides comfort It’s good to be here To see thousands of books Enchanting the senses More fascinating than all these soft and nagging Men in power with diligence The result is always dead and destruction Nobody will deny the suffering and the adversity caused by violence. Ain’t that enough reason to put an end to this if necessary with violence. How many victims would that cost. Rapidly I took a few snorters and switch time off.