Large Woven Sunflowers

Teacher: Sarah McGraw
Lesson: Large Woven Sunflowers
Grade(s): 1st
 Day 1. Standard 4 (History) benchmark 2 (Purpose)
 Day 2. Standard 1 (Processes) benchmark 4 (Communicate)
Objective(s): The student will be able to:
1. tell you art can be made in celebration.
2. draw and cut warp and weft.
3. weave and glue warp and weft together.
4. turn weaving into sunflower.
Learning Activities: I have preceded this weaving lesson with a 1day lesson on basic paper
weaving. Day 1: Introduce the concept of Kansas and the state flower. We are making
sunflowers in celebration of Kansas’ Birthday. Mark and cut warp and weft
Day 2: Tear varying yellow papers into petal shapes. Glue petals around circle
Students select background colors. Glue on flowers and possible stems and leaves.
Brief Procedure:
 Day 1.
o The first day we do an introduction to Kansas as our state sometimes this turns
into a discussion about what our country and city are for clarification. We talk
about how the sunflower is our state flower. Then we talk about how we can
create art for celebration. “We are going to create sunflower art in celebration of
Kansas Birthday.”
o We pick two colors 12x18in one for warp and one for weft. I demo how to mark
the paper. I have students overlap their two colors of paper so they make a really
fat “L” They draw a line where the top paper lays on the bottom paper. This is
their “stop” line, their name goes above this. Then flip over and draw the meeting
(stop) line and name again.
o They will then draw perpendicular (cutting) lines on both colors. With my
approval they get scissors and cut.
 Day 2.
o I start by demonstrating how weave the two colors together. Make the fat “L”
again and pick one color to weave into the other. Remember to push together
snugly. With approval they may get glue to secure.
o They then draw a large round shape over the weaving. They cut slowly gluing
loose pieces as they happen.
o They may then cut and glue yellow petal around their weaving.
o We make very long stems and if they like leaves.
o Name on the back.
 Day 3.
o If you end up with some students done and other needing more time. I have
finished students add patterns to their flowers with crayons on the petals, in the
weaving, and on the stem. I then display the flowers in a large paper vase on the
wall (one per class).
 Day 1. Can students tell one reason for creating art?
 Day 2. Did students remember needed steps to complete their woven sunflowers?
Adaptation(s): You need to be sensitive of students that do not believe in celebrating. They need
to understand that can be a reason for creating art. In consultation you and the students can pick a
different reason for creating their sunflowers (learning, fun, etc.) I am kind of a stickler about
handing out new paper. So if students fail to get their work checked before they cut and get long
strips they are then to weave with these. I will help them problem solve when they make
mistakes. These flowers can look very different and that is perfectly ok with me.