Silvretta Stud & Livery Ltd


Silvretta Stud & Livery Ltd

Two vacancies now available for Full Livery

on this endurance-oriented yard

Yard-owner, Helen Blair, herself competed at the highest level on the endurance circuit for more than twenty years and now devotes herself to developing a new generation of horses and riders committed to the sport. Liveries from the yard compete successfully throughout the season at all levels from pleasure ride to ER with Helen’s dedicated support both in their preparation at home and as crew in competition. The yard offers a unique opportunity to develop self and others in the sport in a great team atmosphere.

The all-inclusive service provided is tailored precisely to the individual needs of the horse and the ambitions of the rider.

The pool of knowledge and qualifications held by the yard staff is supplemented by a carefully selected team of Vets, Farriers, Physiotherapists, Nutritionists, Saddlers and specialist trainers, all of whom make regular visits to the yard or as required. Also available are regular trips to Arden

Equine Pool for therapy and/or training exercise.

The yard is surrounded by fabulous hacking, the National Trust-owned Clent Hills conservation area being an ideal training ground for the endurance horse or pony.

Livery owners have free and unlimited use of our international-sized, all-weather arena whenever space is available.

Horses also taken in for training and holiday livery.

Re-educating problem horses is our speciality.

Testimonials from current livery-owners available on request.

For more details and to arrange a no-obligation visit ring Helen or Ruth on

01562 710245
