(II): Cultural Globalization and European Identity

Remapping Cultural Space (II): Cultural Globalization and European Identity
Module Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mădălina Nicolaescu
Syllabus for Semester 2
Themes for Presentation & Discussion; Bibliography
What is globalization ?
Introduction into the issue of globalization: scapes,
globalization, globalism, globality. What
about globalization are now being challenged ?
 Arjun Appadurai, “Disjuncture and Difference in
the Global Cultural Economy” in Roland Robertson
and Kathleen White (eds.) Globalization. Critical
concepts in Sociology. Vol.1 Routledge 2003.
 Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization. A Critical
Introduction, London: Palgrave, 2000, XXX4162( “What is global about globalization”)
 Anthony Giddens, “The Globalizing of
Modernity” in Held, D. and McGrew, Anthony
(eds.) The Global Transformation Reader,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2000
 David \Held and A. McGrew.”Rethining
Globalization”. Held and McGrew. The Global
Transformation Reader” Cambridge: Polity.
What is glocalization?
What is the relation between local-global? In which
ways does glocalization differ from
 George Ritzer, “Globalization”, “Grobalization”,
in The Globalization of Nothing. Thousand Oaks,
London: Pine Forge Press and Sage, 2004, 71-114
 Ian Nederveen Pieterse, “ Globalization as
Hybridization” in Roland Robertson and Kathleen
White (eds.) Globalization. Critical concepts in
Sociology. Routledge 2003.
Economic globalization:
 Johnathan Friedman, “ The Hybridization of
Roots and the Abhorence of the Bush in
Featherston and Lash (eds.) Spaces of Culture,
Sage, 1999
 Madalina Nicolaescu, Fashioning Global
Identities, Bucuresti 2002
What are the major agents in the MacWorld? What
is the scope of transnational corporations (TNCs), of
relocation and outsourcing, off-shore capital, deregulation?
 Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization. A Critical
Introduction, London: Palgrave 2000 chap 5, 111-132
 J. Stiglitz. The Making of Globalization. Preface,
Another world is possible. XXXXXX
 Noam Chomsky, “Free Trade and Free Markets:
Pretense and Practice” in Frederic Jameson and
Masao Miyoshi eds. The Cultures of
Globalization, Durham: Duke University Press,
1998, 356-371
 David Held and Anthony McGrew,”A global
Economy?” Globalization/ Antiglobalizationi, Polity
2003, 38-58
Global Conflict : global vs. From globalism to imperialism and nationalism, as
its flipside=sources of global terror
Globalisation and State Sovereignty
 David Harvey. “From Globalization to the
New Imperialism” in Richard Appelbaum
(ed) Critical Globalization Studies.
7-8-9 Europeanization,
European Identity, EU
enlargement and
Routledge: 2005
John Agnew. “Globalization and State
Sovereignty” , Globalization and
Sovereignty.New York: Rowman, 2009
Tom Nairn and Paul James. “Introduction :
Mapping Nationalism and Globalization” and
“Global Tensons : A clash of social
Foomations”, Global Matrix. Nationalism,
Globalism and State- Terrorism. London and
Ann Arbour: Pluto Press, 2005
Mary Kaldor. “Nationalism and
Globalisation” in Nations and Nationalism,
10 (1/2, 2004)
Who are the Europeans?. “What is European
Society”. N. Fligstein (ed) Euroclash Oxford:
Oxford Univ. P. 2008
Jaques Thomassen. “The Legitimacy of the
European Union” in Thomassen “The
Legitimacy of the EU after the Enlargement”,
Oxford: Oxford Univ. P., 2009
Dario Castiglione. “Political Identity in a
community of Strangers” in G Checkel and P.
Katzenstein (ed) European Identity .
Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009
Richard Mole. Introduction-Discursive
Identities and Political Power” in R. Mole(ed.)
Discursive Constructions of Identity in
European Politics . London: Palgrave, 2007
Richard Woden. “Doing Europe” in R. Mole
(ed). Discursive Constructions of Identity in
European Politics . London: Palgrave, 2007
Adrian Favell “Immigration, Migration and
Free Movement in the Making of Europe”, in
European Identity
E. Kant. “perpetual Peace”
 Ulrich Beck. “Cosmopolitan Europe : Reality
and Vision”. The Cosmopolitan Vision
.Cambridge:Polity Press, 2006? Making
European Citizens?
 Rey Koslovski “International Migration and the
Globalization of Domestic Policy- A conceptual
Framework” in R. Koslovski (ed) International
Migration and the Globalization of Domestic
Globalization and
In what ways can cosmopolitanism be a proper
response to the fragmentariness produced by
- Ulrich Beck. ”Global Sense, Sense of
Boundarylessness “, “The Truth of the Others”
in The Cosmopolitan Vision, Cambridge: Polity
Press, 2006
- Alain Badiou. “Paul: Our Contemporary”,
“Universality and the Traversal of
Differences”.St. Paul. The Foundation of
Universalism. Stanford: Stanford Univ.Press.
 J. Derrida, “Cosmopolitanism” in
Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness
 Kevin Robins. Towards a Transcultural Policy
for European Cosmopolitanism. In Ulricke H.
Meinhof (ed) Transcultural Europe. Palgrave
Migrating Women
Why do women migrate? Why do they migrate
ahead of their husbands or male relatives?
 When Women Come First
 “Transnational Families in the 21st century” in
Debora Bryceson and Ulla Vourella.
Transnational Family.Oxford, New York: Berg,
Monica Ali: Bricklane- novel and movie
Bharati Mukherjee: Desirable Daughters