Latin - Parkside Sixth


6 bac



Why IB Latin?

Studying a Classical language will give you the opportunity to explore the language, culture and literature of Ancient Rome. This ancient civilisation has played a vital part in shaping many modern societies and cultures while the language itself has had a major influence on the development of most modern

European languages. Through study of the rich and varied literature of Rome, which has left its mark on almost every genre of modern writing, you will be able to explore the inspiration for much of our contemporary thinking on matters such as art, religion and politics. Linguistic skills lie at the heart of the course, since it is through the understanding of Latin that true intellectual contact can be made with the peoples of Ancient Rome.

Course content

Part 1: Study of the Language (External Exam 35%)

Set texts for examination in 2015 come from List 2:

SL: Virgil Aeneid Book IV, Lines 198-552 and Tacitus Annals 14, 1-22

HL: Virgil Aeneid Book IV, Lines 1-552 and Tacitus Annals 14 1-22, 33-45

The genres you are studying are Epic and Historiography.

You will develop the ability to understand and translate Classical Texts written in Latin. This will be achieved by a thorough study of grammatical constructions and the development of dictionary skills which will give you the tools you need to translate Latin Texts.

Part 2: Genre Study (External Exam 45%)

This is the opportunity to study two genres of Latin Literature in detail. You will be able to form your own interpretation through discussion of the genre, style, rhythm and use of language. You will also read extracts to experience the genre of history writing. This will enrich your understanding of many aspects of this ancient society. You will also consider the ideas of modern scholars to broaden your experience of both genres. In the exam you will be required to show a close and accurate understanding of the meaning of the language and the style and genre represented by each author. A dictionary will not be permitted.

Higher level students will have the opportunity to undertake more extensive reading of the texts.

Part 3: Individual Study (Internal Assessment 20%)

This part of the course provides you with an opportunity to examine in detail some aspect of language or civilization. You will make a research dossier on a topic which interests you, annotating primary source material. The choice of title and topic is yours: you can choose material relating to a topic in classical history, literature, language, religion, mythology, art, archaeology or some aspect of classical influence.

What extra-curricular activities will there be?

There is great potential for trips to Italy to allow you to come face to face with the physical remains of a civilisation which has had such a lasting impact on our culture, society and language. As we are close to the University of Cambridge and there are relatively easy travel links to London, there is also potential to hear lectures from some of England’s most distinguish Classicists on topics relevant to your course of study. We also enter the Senior Latin Reading Competition each year.

What resources will there be?

Resources will be available in the new Parkside Sixth Library. These will include copies of the texts in

Latin and in translation as well as some works of contemporary criticism. The course will have a suggested reading list to help support the learning in college and to encourage wider reading.

6 bac



Support from GCSE to IB

Throughout the course we will look towards your prior learning. We will build on your previous knowledge of Latin grammar to introduce new concepts and provide careful guidance to ensure that the chosen authors are accessible to all. However, some knowledge of the Latin language will be required.

You will receive support when approaching your individual study to help you gain the skills necessary to structure a commentary.

How we stretch students

We will not only read texts but engage in discussion of their interpretation and you will be encouraged to form your own carefully considered opinions through exploration of different interpretations of the texts.

This will enable you to develop the skills of a true Classicist. There is the potential to read texts outside of those on the exam to widen your experience of the many genres of Ancient Rome. You will learn many of the skills which will prepare you for university such as essay writing and debate and be exposed to the arguments of distinguished classical scholars.

From September 2016, there will also be the opportunity to learn Ancient Greek.

After Parkside Sixth?

Many Latin students choose to take a university degree in a range of subjects from a Classics degree to

Medicine and Law. Classicists are highly employable people with jobs ranging from journalism through museum work to the civil service and MI5.


Angela Dix


If you have any further questions about the course or your suitability for levels within it, contact Angela

Dix by e-mail:
