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Academic Vocabulary Six-Step Process
Step 1 – Develop a student-friendly explanation/description of the academic
vocabulary term with multiple examples, both visual and verbal.
Academic Vocabulary Term _short vowel______________________________________________
Subject _Language Arts__ __________________________
Grade __1________
Dictionary/glossary definition
A short vowel is one in which the duration of its pronunciation is relatively shorter than that of a long vowel.
The short vowel sounds are the first to be introduced, for example the letter "a" with the short vowel
sound would sound like "a" as in "cat" or “sat” .
Long vowel
Semantic features
Process—the product is assoc. w/ a specific purpose
artistic or
Purpose—to speak, read and write with words
Real life associations
1. Recognize letter-sound relationship for short vowels
2. Identify the correct and/or incorrect spelling of short
vowels in words presented in sentences and phrases
3. Utilize spelling patterns as clues to short vowel sounds in
These processes are necessary to be able to speak, read and write
Dr. Seuss books—many have
almost all short vowels in them
which could easily be used as
part of a study for short vowels
The Cat in the Hat, Hop on Pop, and many other Dr. Seuss books have many short vowel
quotes in them.
Student-friendly description/explanation:
The five most important sounds to know are the short vowel sounds. If you recognize them when you
hear them, they give you a lot of clues as to how to spell words.
The vowels are a, e, i, o and u.
A as in apple
E as in egg
I as in insect
O as in octopus
U as in umbrella
Here is a little rhyme to help you remember them:
A, a, a, a - apple,
E, e, e, e - egg,
I, i, i, i - insect,
The short vowels we do say,
O, o, o, o - octopus
And u, u – umbrella
Now I know my short vowel sounds,
I'll say them all for you.
Note: I have not been able to find elementary level short vowel analogies.