Introduction to Photography and English III Honors Name: Melissa

Introduction to Photography and English III Honors
Performing and Fine Arts High School
Instructor: John Travlos and Brittany Baggett
Name: Melissa Reed
Internet Activity
In preparation for this particular assignment use the following resource library of
photographers reference and as possible sources of inspiration
Based on your research, what are your tentative plans in photographing the photographic Essay?
I plan to help in thinking of unique settings for the picture, since a blank setting, for
example, wouldn’t be as powerful, expressive, as a background with meaning. A lifeless
background translates into a lifeless picture, an uninteresting picture. So I plan to help
with that so there is a life behind the picture.
In what ways do you plan on making your photographs thought provoking/Interesting?
By using backgrounds, unique characters, as well as the way the characters are
posed/positioned. Also by creating a sense of familiarity, like the person looking at it may
say, “Oh yes, I can relate to that.” And make them feel like the picture is more than just
meaningless picture.
J. Travlos
Rev. 2010