What is an Abstract Noun

What is an Abstract Noun?
English 9 Honors
Concrete nouns are people, places, or things that we experience with our five senses. The
abstract class is the opposite - we can never experience these nouns according to our
senses. If a noun describes something you can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell, it is not
abstract. It is beyond the five senses.
Abstract nouns can be countable or non-countable (mass). They can also be in singular or
possessive form. These nouns follow the same grammar rules as other nouns.
Common Abstract Nouns and Categories
 Love
 Hate
 Anger
 Peace
 Pride
 Sympathy
 Progress
 Education
 Hospitality
 Leisure
 Trouble
 Friendships
 Relaxation
 Bravery
 Loyalty
 Honesty
 Integrity
 Compassion
 Charity
 Success
 Courage
 Deceit
 Skill
 Beauty
 Brilliance
 Pain
 Misery
 Beliefs
 Dreams
 Justice
 Truth
 Faith
 Liberty
 Knowledge
 Thought
 Information
 Culture
 Trust
 Dedication
Abstract Forms
Nouns with the following suffixes are often abstract:
It is important to know abstract nouns when writing about literature. Literature involves
the experience of being human; themes focus on the human condition. Therefore, it is
always important to identify the abstract noun(s) within a work of fiction. It is equally
important to summon the abstract nouns within writing prompt.