Historians rely on , or dating systems, to measure time



“Early Humans”



123 - 124)

Fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. Use capital letters and periods where needed.

1. History is the story of humans in the past. What is prehistory? (p. 123)

2. Anthropologists uncover clues about early humans. What do anthropologists study?

3. Archaeologists, also, uncover clues about early human life. What do they hunt for?

4. Archeologists dig up and study artifacts. What are artifacts?

5. Archaeologists also look for fossils. What are fossils?

6. On what continent did human beings first appear (according to archaeologists Louis and Mary

Leakey, and their son Richard)?

7. In the 1930s, Louis and Mary Leaky began digging for fossils in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. Why is the Olduvai Gorge a good location to look for fossils?

9. Mary Leakey discovered the skull of a creature in 1959. How long ago did the creature live?

8. In the 1940s and 1950s, Louis and Mary Leakey found many fossils of hominids. What are hominids?

10. In 1974 Donald Johanson, an American anthropologist, unearthed an entire skeleton of a female hominid. It was nicknamed Lucy. How long ago did Lucy live? (p. 123)

11. Before Lucy was found, anthropologists thought hominids began walking so they could carry tools while they hunted on Africa’s plains. What did Lucy’s remains show?

12. Tim White, and anthropologist from California, uncovered a 4.4 million year old hominid that changed scientists’ ideas. What did its teeth and bones show?

13. Based on the work of anthropologists, scientists think that human beings developed in East Africa, and that they slowly spread out of Africa over thousands of years. What were they probably in search of as their population increased?

Study the A




illustration to answer the following questions.

14. Archaeologists use special techniques and tools when carrying out a dig. In addition to mapping and noting the location of artifacts, what else is done with them?

15. They also pass soil through a mesh screen. What types of artifacts are archeologists looking for?

16. When looking BELOW THE SURFACE at layers of soil deposited one on top of another, how do archaeologists determine which artifacts are oldest?

17. What do archaeologists use to help them record and map any artifacts found?

18. Why do archaeologists use plaster?

19. When sifting the soil for fragments, what does a scientist use?

20. What do archaeologists use to carefully clean artifacts?

21. Sketch and label 3 things an archaeologist might find, use, or do on an archaeological dig.
