Practitioner Letter & Script

Your Name
● Your three line bio…
● Nutrition Coaching or maybe… something business related…
●couple statements about you…
Hello Dr. XXX,
My name is Your Name. If you recall, I was a patient back in Iowa. More
recently, you provided me acupuncture treatment for allergies.
100 years ago all food was organic and packed with minerals and nutrition.
Today, most foods aren’t real food at all. Many are made by chemists in
laboratories. They are food-like substances – processed, irradiated &
genetically modified.
It’s no wonder that 7 out of 10 Americans are overweight or obese.
Diabetes, Autism, Alzheimer’s and other serious diseases are on the rise.
I represent Purium Health Products: Organically–Certified and GMPCompliant. We provide life changing - whole, green, live SuperFood Nutrition
* We also offer the cleanest, most absorbable Master Amino Acid Protein
MAP™ combination on the planet.
As you know, our need for amino acids and protein intake is required every
day, yet most sources bog down the organs with a heavy burden of digestion
processes. Meat and other protein sources like whey, soy and pea all create
significant metabolic toxins for the body to process.
The MAP™ complex is 99% absorbable via the Lymphatic System and has
been scientifically reviewed with 44 clinical studies. It is listed in the PDR
and is regularly used by doctors for patients that are bedridden because
MAP™ will create muscle mass even WITHOUT exercise.
This is significant for people at every age. Since amino acids are the building
blocks of every protein in the body, this is the ultimate food … it affects
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Your Name
● Your three line bio…
● Nutrition Coaching or maybe… something business related…
●couple statements about you…
everything from the brain to maintaining muscle mass. For maintaining the
brain, muscle or optimizing athletic performance, MAP is an absolute must!
It is widely acknowledged that improper nutrition contributes to
why :
 7 out of 10 people in our country are overweight or obese.
 77.9 million Americans have high blood pressure-with more every day.
 1.9 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed annually.
 79 million Americans (35%) over age 20 have pre-diabetes.
 50% of all Americans over age 65 are pre-diabetic.
… and many more. 100% of people are right now incubating a
disease! SuperFood nutrition can interrupt that process!
The public is finally thinking and talking about the problem. We are at the
emergence of implementing ‘Real Food Solutions’ to a Massive Market!
As a longtime Health and Wellness Advocate and Coach myself, I need to
KNOW that I am offering the best! Over 20 years of experience and
investigation brought me to these ‘No Excuses Needed SuperFoods’.
MD’s, Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Chiropractors, Spa Owners, Professional
Trainers and other Holistically oriented Professionals that I work with are
looking for solid, substantive ways to create more value for their clients.
The one thing that most powerfully sets you apart from others is RESULTS …
how effective you are at helping your clients reach their goals!
We offer YOU and YOUR CLIENTS Highly Effective Solutions to
today’s most pressing Nutrition Challenges . . .
Solutions to HEALTHY weight loss & long term weight management.
Solutions to muscle building without depravation.
Solutions to helping your clients break addictions to sugar, salt,
simple carbs, caffeine and processed foods.
Solutions to breaking the incubation processes of disease.
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Your Name
● Your three line bio…
● Nutrition Coaching or maybe… something business related…
●couple statements about you…
Our Solutions produce “Rapid Transformation” that your clients will SEE
and FEEL.
As a Medical doctor, I am confident you will qualify for our ‘Program for
Health Professionals’. This program focuses on 5 key areas to positively
your clients and your bottom line, here in Scottsdale and/or Iowa location.
Results * Referrals * Retention * Revenue * Residual
These are areas that we will cover in depth when we meet. Additionally,
you can review and sample our products, review the science and discuss our
implementation model. Discover the powerful benefits of the 5 “R’s” and
getting out front quickly with the program that IS steadily sweeping across
America and beyond!
It will take about 20-30 minutes to properly explore this exclusive,
proprietary program with you. Are mornings or afternoons more
convenient? I will call you soon to schedule a time. Or, please call me!
Please be assured, Purium SuperFoods are in an Elite Class of their own!
You WILL be glad you invested the time to meet with me!
Your contact Data
Nutrient Dense, Live, Organic, Whole Food, Raw Food,
Super-Concentrated, NON-GMO SuperFoods
Serving USA – Canada - Europe
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