Child Immunisation leaflet AVHC April 2013

Child Immunisation
~ advice for parents / carers
All vaccinations can cause side effects.
This leaflet details some of the side effects your baby may experience after routine child
immunisations. It is unusual for any of these to last more than 2 days and some babies
have none at all.
* Unsettled behaviour (the grumpy - grizzlies)
~ Changes to feeding / nappies / temperament /
sleeping (some babies sleep a lot more).
~ Comfort and distract your baby.
* Slight rise in temperature
~ Reduce clothing and coverings and keep baby cool,
in a well ventilated room.
~ Give Calpol (liquid paracetamol) if baby will not settle,
if baby feels hot or if baby's temperature is above 37˚c
~ Check the dosage carefully.
~ A single dose only of 2.5ml may be given to babies after
immunisation at 8 weeks if needed.
~ Do not give Calpol "just incase" as this can affect the
effectiveness of the immunisation
* Local reaction
~ Redness after injection is normal and will fade.
~ Small lumps may be felt at the injection site.
These can take time to disappear. This also quite normal.
* Serious reaction ~ All of these require medical attention
~ Persistent crying / screaming
~ Prolonged high temperature
~ Febrile convulsions (appears as a fit) - this is very rare.
For further advice you can call to speak to the immunisation nurses or a GP
Ash Vale Health Centre - 01252 317551 (open until 6pm, after 6pm this number redirects
callers to the out-of-hours GP)
In an emergency call 999 or attend your local Accident and Emergency Department.
( MCM ~ April 2013)