Learning styles

EDU #618 Module IV Individual assignment
Mary R. Simmons
1. Did my ideas about learning change? Explain and give an example.
I am more focused now on “learner-centered” activities than I have been. When
planning a unit I think about what the main objectives are for the students. I make a
list of activities that are appropriate, varied in the actions taken by both the student
and the teacher. I make appropriate modifications for the audience I have and I plan
the assessments around the main objectives I started with. An example would be with
my Foods I class. When starting the egg unit I looked ahead to see the terms, the
methods, the diagram, and the concepts that I felt were most important for the
students to learn. I varied the activities with individual and group work, worksheets,
a video, recipe search, interactive notes on my Smart Board, and a lab experience. I
noted the Special Needs students and accommodated the lesson accordingly. I also
made sure the Resource teacher for those students were aware of the assignments and
due dates.
2. Did my ideas about assessment in learning change? Explain and give an
I’m not so sure my ideas have changed as much as I have been made to think once
again about what the purpose of assessment is and how to achieve that the best way
for the situation you are in. I was reminded of the value of pretesting and how to use
the information from that test to best fit the needs of all of the students. I agree very
much with a principle outlined by Airasian: Single assessments are a poor basis for
making important decisions about pupils. I have all levels of ability in all of my
classes and there are many students who are poor test takers, and may not do very
well on quizzes/tests but are VERY comfortable in the kitchen setting preparing
recipes or putting together some sewing project.
3. Do I have a better understanding of my teaching relative to assessment with
technology? Explain and give an example
I have incorporated computer technology as a teacher for almost 20 years and I have
used student-involved technology in my classroom for several years now. I am
finding that when it’s used as a tool to grasp their attention, when it helps to focus
that attention on the main points of the lesson, and when the students are allowed
some creative license (with guidelines in place) their retention of the ideas and
concepts they cover is MUCH higher than sitting listening to a lecture or watching a
Power Point that I’ve created. For one example, since the class started, I have
engaged my Food & Fitness class in several technology related assignments such as
researching fad diets, explaining the benefits of different exercise programs,
presenting a Power Point for eating disorders, as well as finding the fat/carb/calorie
content of various food items and fast food restaurants.
4. Give an example of a teaching-learning activity intervention developed in this
Course that will enable learners in your classroom to become successful in the
application of their learning.
An example that might fit this situation would be grouping multi-level students
together and seeing that all students have tasks that match their ability while
challenging them in an appropriate way. Making a list of activities that need to be
done, matching students with tasks, and using student input in the type of activities
that they would like to try would be a starting point for me in this endeavor.
5. Give an example of an accommodation for learning styles and cultural diversity
among learners in planning an instructional activity and its assessment activity
using technology using course learning.
An example of accommodation for learning styles would be to give students some
choices for how they would like to pull together the information pertinent to the Foods I
class assignment of basic ingredients and their function in a variety of recipes. All of the
students would be asked to take the list of ingredients, research basic functions, find
recipes that support the function stated and present their findings from a list of choices
such as a computer generated crossword puzzle, a pamphlet, a Power Point, a typed
outline from a word processor, or another teacher approved presentation method.
6. Rethinking learning theories: give one example of cognitive, social-learning
and socio-cultural theories and applications that will be used in your teaching?
1. Cognitive theory and application: Bruner and Piaget both relate that
learning is associated with cognitive processes. Much of my area of
Family & Consumer Science is using or utilizing the knowledge from
class in every day life …… every day, for the rest of their lives. The
cooking they are experiencing in class will become an everyday routine.
Bruner states that if knowledge is not associated with supporting structure
it may tend to be forgotten. In our Foods classes the students associate
each and every lesson with the supporting structure of actual recipes that
they have found on their own and prepared for their group.
2. Social-learning theory and application: Bandura’s social learning theory
concentrates on the power of example. His theory might be summarized
in the anonymous quote: “Learn by other’s mistakes, you don’t live long
enough to make them all yourself!” My students have always been
exposed to the power of example, whether it’s by me
demonstrating/creating something for them in the kitchen lab or when they
watch their classmates prepare recipes or construct sewing projects. They
learn right and wrong ways to approach something by watching the
success/failure of their classmates’ projects.
3. Socio-cultural theories and applications: Theorists Tharp and Gallimore
feel that higher order functions will develop out of social interaction. And
Vygotsky feels strongly that a child’s development cannot be measured or
understood simply by studying the individual. He thinks that learning is
surrounded by social events when they interact with people, objects, and
events. Again, my entire curriculum is based strongly around social
interaction of students. I try to group all learning levels together in
discussion groups or on projects to simulate a job situation where they
would be working with all skill levels in trying to accomplish a task set
down by their boss. My Foods classes are told on a continual basis that
their interaction with their group members is a large part of their grade.
7. I plan to increase my current use of technology in assessing students by?
I plan to increase by current use of technology in assessing students by rethinking the
standard multiple choice paper tests when testing their knowledge of the lesson/unit
content. I would like the students to be able to express their knowledge in a variety of
ways rather than just one way, such as a standard test, application of the knowledge,
presentation to the class, portfolio of information, or possibly a method created by the
student themselves that best suits their style, learning ability, and personality.
8. I will adapt new learning in accommodating individual differences, learning
styles, and aptitude in assessing learning outcomes.
I will adapt new learning in accommodating individual differences, learning styles,
and aptitude in assessing learning outcomes by allowing student input for their
assessment. I would also like to get to know the students better concerning their out
of school interests, thereby being better able to offer suggestions for a topic or
presentation mode that would best suit them.
9. How does the refreshed/new learning confirm my existing practice and
The refreshed learning confirms my existing practice and assumptions by supporting
my beliefs, my experiences, and my teaching style. I already do so much of what we
talked about that I am reaffirmed in my teaching techniques. On the other hand, I
have been awakened to practices that have long been “filed” away in my brain and
taken over by the “easy route” when presenting certain concepts/lessons/units.
10. How will I apply the learning in this Course to future learning outcomes and
assessments ?
As previously stated in several questions already asked, I will focus more on the
learner-centered activities. I will pay closer attention to the special needs student and
make sure that they have the means and opportunity to succeed on a level that is
appropriate for their ability. I will make sure that the choices are available, when
appropriate, for students to express their learning in a way that suits their learning
style and interest. I will continue to include technology on an increasing basis for all
the classes that I teach, encouraging students to be creative in their methods of
presentation when using technology.