LE JOURNAL - Affton School District

To help you choose your subject, you may use a newspaper article, a
magazine article, an article from the internet or you may choose your
own subject. If you choose to use an article, highlight the words that
you are translating and keep the articles with each assignment.
Please include a cover page that explains exactly which topics you
are turning in. Everyone chooses a total of 7 items to turn in.
I. Le Vocabulaire – Choisissez deux.
1. UN ARTICLE -- Find 10 nouns (les noms), 10 adjectives (les
adjectifs) and 10 verbs (les verbes) in one article. Choose
words which you do not already know. Make 3 categories
and define the words in each category. Number the words from
1-10. For les noms, you must include the gender of the word;
for les adjectifs, you must include the masculine and the
feminine form; for les verbes, put the verb in the infinitve.
Make a notation en français for any words that seem to
come from the same root for both languages.
2. UN SUJET -- Find 30 new words related to a single topic. Write
the name of your topic en français at the top of the page.
Examples include: food (la nourriture), specific sports (le
baseball, le golf, etc.), politics (la politique), driving (la
conduite), clothing (les vêtements), etc. List the words by
category, define them and number from 1-30: les noms, les
adjectifs, et les verbes. For les noms, you must include the
gender of the word; for les adjectifs, you must include the
masculine and the feminine form; for les verbes, put the verb in
the infinitive form.
3. LES INDEX -- Cut out 4 indices from 4 different papers and
create similar ones en français. Include gender markers for
the nouns.
4. LES MOTS COMPOSÉS -- Find 25 compound words, preferably
in one article. Number from 1-25. Make 2 lists, one in English
and one en français. Include the gender of the word. Write an
observation en français comparing the number of
compound words en français on your list. (A compound
word has two or more words in its construction: sailboat,
policeman, birthday, etc.)
II. La Grammaire – Choisissez quatre. Be sure to label your
1. UN CARACTÈRE DE BANDE DESSINÉE -- Cut out a picture of
your favorite cartoon character. Write a ½ page description
of him/her en français. (Cannot be paired with #3.)
2. UNE PUBLICITÉ -- Cut out 5 pictures and write
advertisements for them en français. You must write each
one as a command (tu, vous or nous form of the verb.)
(Cannot be paired with #7.)
3. UNE BANDE DESSINÉE -- Cut out a comic strip and write
your own dialogue for it en français. The comic strip must
have at least 4 different scenes. Include the original comic
strip so that it is obvious that your version does not
resemble the original. (Cannot be paired with #1.)
4. UNE NÉCROLOGIE -- Study the format for an obituary. Cut
out a sample obituary and write a ½ page obituary en
français for an inanimate object, such as: un stylo, un
cahier, un livre, un pull, etc. You must make an inscription
on the grave stone for your object. You will need a special
paper for the grave stone.
5. UNE CRITIQUE -- Find a review of a TV program or movie
that you saw. Read the review to become familiar with the
format. Write your own ½ page review en français of the
TV program or movie. Do not try to restate the newspaper
6. UNE PERSONNE CÉLÈBRE -- Read several articles about a
famous person. Write a ½ page description en français of
that person that summarizes the impression of him/her in
the articles.
7. LES TABLEAUX -- Cut out 20 pictures and give each picture a
title en français. Each title must be a complete sentence.
Do not put more than two pictures on each piece of paper.
Number the pictures. (Cannot be paired with #2.)
8. UNE PETITE ANNONCE -- Write a ½ page want ad: Choose
to sell your house (à vendre)
to sell something you no longer want
to rent your bedroom as a furnished room (louer)
to advertise your parents (hired as parents or in some
other capacity)
to sell your pet (have the pet be an imaginary,
fantastic animal)
to buy something you’ve always wanted
for the lost and found section; to locate a lost friend,
object or pet
for the “personal column” (les petites annonces pour
for your mother, father, friend, etc. on Mother’s Day,
Father’s Day, St. Valentine’s Day, etc.
III. Pot-pourri – Everyone must do le Pot-pourri. (Be
sure to include the article(s) where you found your
LES MOTS ÉTRANGERS -- Find 10 examples of foreign
words or phrases used in the articles you are reading for
this assignment. Number your answers from 1-10. You may
use words or phrases from any language. Make a list of the
words, include the language, write the meaning, and use
the words or phrases in an original English sentence.
For example: mea culpa – Latin, the guilt is mine. Mea
culpa, Mom. I ate the last cookie.
Quels choix:
Date de vérification (4) :
Date finale (3): (Be prepared to give a brief oral
summary of your project.
Écrivez l’éloge funèbre d’une chose sur cette pierre
tombale. Mettez-y son nom, sa date de naissance, la
date de sa mort et une inscription mémorable.