11/12/2004 S242 Community Institutions - Commission - Services - General information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. I-Turin: computer and related services 2004/S 242-208054 1. Awarding authority: 2. Category of service and description, CPC reference number, quantity, options: 72000000.Framework contract. Service category: 84.Name given to European Training Foundation, Att: Mr Ian Fowden, Viale Settimio Severo 65, I-10133 Torino. Tel.: 39 011 630 22 22 . Fax: 39 011 630 2200. E-mail: Legal_services@etf.eu.int. URL: http://www.etf.eu.int. contract: ETF website redesign.Reference number attributed: CFT/04/ETF/0058.Description of contract:the redesign of the ETF website aims at developing its focus on content, knowledge sharing and the aggregation of communities of interest related to vocational education and training. In this framework, while the ETF computer and technical services unit will provide the necessary software development services, the External Communication Unit is procuring the redesign of the layout and of the navigation structure of the ETF web pages. The contractor will provide, during the first year (2005), a complete project regarding the user interface of the main ETF website, including a creative redesign of the layout and a proposal for a new organisation of contents. After the implementation of the redesigned website in 2005, the contractor will be asked to provide further consultancy services within the framework contract over three years, to ensure constant updating of the graphical layout and navigation structure of the website after eventual introduction of new services and applications.Total quantity or extent: estimated maximum expenditure of 200 000 EUR over 3 years.Options: contract will be of initial duration 12 months with the possibility of renewal up to 3 years. 3. 4.a) Delivery to: ETF, Torino, Italy.NUTS: IT111. Reserved for a particular profession: No. b) Law, regulation or administrative provision: c) Obligation to mention the names and qualification of personnel: 5. Division into lots: 6. Variants: 7. Time limits for completion or duration of the contract, for starting or providing the service: 12 months. 8.a) No. Documents from: European Training Foundation, Att: Mr Ian Fowden, viale Settimio Severo 65, I-10133 Torino. Tel.: +39 011 630 22 22. Fax: +39 011 630 2200. E-mail: Legal _services@etf.eu.int. URL: http://www.etf.eu.int. b) Requests not later than c) Fee: 9.a) No cost for tender documentation which can also be found on the ETF website: www.etf.eu.int. Deadline for receipt of tenders: b) Address: c) Language(s) 10.a) b) Yes. No. 28.1.2005 (17.00). European Training Foundation, Att: Mr Ian Fowden, viale Settimio Severo 65, I-10133 Torino. Tel.: +39 011 630 22 22. Fax: +39 011 630 2200. E-mail: Legal_services@etf.eu.int. Opening of tenders (persons admitted): Date, time and place: One representative from each tenderer. 4.2.2005 (14.30).ETF, Torino. 11. Deposits and guarantees 12. Financing and payment 13. Legal form in case of group bidders 14. Qualifications: Legal status:requirements:the tenderer must be registered in a relevant commercial or trade register.Evidence:certificate of professional or commercial registration, declaration under oath or certificate imposed by the Member State in which the applicant is established.Financial capacity:requirements:the tenderer must be able to prove that he is in a stable financial position.Evidence:a statement of the undertaking's overall turnover and its turnover in respect of the services to which the contract relates for the previous three financial years.Technical capacity:requirements:proven experience in the development of large dimension websites.Proven English skills of the web information architects. Appropriate technical infrastructure for the delivery of the services required.Evidence:a list of the principal services provided in the past three years including the dates and customer names and type of services provided;a statement of the technical equipment and staff skills available to the service provider for carrying out the services. 15. Tenders may lapse after: 16. Award criteria: 17. Other information: 18. Date of pre-information publication 19. Notice postmarked: 1.12.2004. 20. Notice received on: 1.12.2004. 21. Covered by the GPA agreement: 3 month(s). The most economically advantageous tender as stated below.Quality of the proposed methodology (20), quality of the portfolio of works carried out (40), quality of the consultants proposed (10), price (30). Address from which further information can be obtained: European Training Foundation, Att: Mr Ian Fowden, viale Settimio Severo 65, I-10133 Torino. Tel.: +39 011 630 22 22. Fax: +39 011 630 2200. E-mail: Legal_services@etf.eu.int. URL: http://www.etf.eu.int.Contract relates to a project/programme financed by EU funds.ETF is an agency of the European Union.Type of procedure: open procedure. Yes.