March 23, 2014 - Unitarian Universalist Community Church

The Weekly Flaming Chalice
Unitarian Universalist Community Church
March 23, 2014
9:15-9:40: First Service: Everyone will begin in the
Fellowship Hall for Young UU worship.
9:15 - 11:00: OWL - Drew House, first floor with Abby
Laurie and Noah Gottlieb. Today's activity is a field trip to
Rite-Aid (don't
forget permission slips)
9:45-10:30: Classes:
Chalice Children: - ages 5 - 6 (K-1st grade), Judd House,
2nd Fl. with Diane Smith and Susan Caldwell.
Navigators/Seekers: - (grades 2 - 7) Drew House, 2nd Fl.
with Jeff Janell and Janine Bonk.
10:30 Coffee Hour: Parents of Chalice Children/Explorers
and Navigators - please meet your children before enjoying
coffee and conversation.
11:00 Second Service: Everyone will begin in the
Sanctuary. After the Wisdom Story children ages 5 and up
are invited to join Rev. Carol and Lucy Poland for Spirit
Play, upstairs in Judd House.
12:00 Parents of children under the age of 11, please meet
your children immediately following the service.
Nursery Care is available for children 4 and under during
both services. Today’s Nursery Care workers are Shannon
McAuliffe and Sahja Mendall.
Goddess Continuing/Earth Circles (H. Zidowecki) ~ 12:30-2:00
P.M. (Fellowship Hall). Join us, after Second Service, for “Spring
Equinox and On Goddesses and Gods, Continued”. We are
surrounded by mystery. What is the deity or mystery that is
meaningful to you? What is the power of the myth of a goddess or
Wellspring GE ~ 3:00 P.M., Fellowship Hall
SGM (D. Scully) ~ 6:30 P.M., Drew House
(Olsen Room)
Mindful Meditation ~ 6:30 P.M., Sanctuary
Open Alanon Meeting ~ 12:00 P.M. – 1:00
P.M., Robbins Room
SGM (M.Stengel) ~ 2:00 P.M., Off Premises
Energy Committee (M. Dunn) 2:00 PM
(Committee Room)
SGM (S. Leary) ~ 10:00 A.M., Robbins Room
SGM (S.Burnett) ~ 2:30 P.M., Off Premises
Pastoral Ministry 6:00 P.M.(Judd House)
Just Guys ~ 6:30 P.M., Fellowship Hall
Membership Committee ~ 4:30 P.M,
Committee Room
Choir Rehearsal (J. Morris) ~ 6:00 P.M.,
Drum Circle 6:00 P.M. (Fellowship Hall)
Mediation Gathering 8:30 A.M. (Fellowship
March 30 ~ Peaceful Heart Sangha ~
SGM (L.Gottlieb) 11:00 A.M. (Drew House)
Art Class 1:00 – 4:00 P.M. (Fellowship Hall)
See below for details
Learn to Write an Ethical Will
Many of us have made plans to distribute our financial assets after
we die, but have we planned for our spiritual legacy?
In this session, local clergy will join together to discuss writing an
ethical will. These wills have roots in ancient Jewish tradition and
allow us to leave a moral and spiritual legacy for our loved
ones. After learning a little bit about ethical wills and studying
some examples, we will have some time to begin writing our own
ethical will. After the session we will join together for a potluck
When: Saturday, March 29th 10am-noon (lunch to follow)
Where: Temple Beth El—3 Woodlawn Street in Augusta
Bring: A dish to share for the potluck lunch. Please do not bring
meat or seafood. Fish and dairy products are fine. These
requirements are in keeping with Jewish dietary laws. For more
information call Nancee at 621-7727. 
Sunday, March 23: Last chance to deposit your Stewardship
Pledge in our Ceremonial Chalice during Sunday service! If you
forgot your pledge card, there are blank packets available in the
Sunday, March 30th: Conclusion of the Sustain Our Flame
Stewardship Campaign. If you bring your Stewardship Pledge
Card to church, please place it in the offering plate. If you are
returning your Stewardship Pledge Card by mail, please be sure
that we have your information before this date. Pledge totals must
quickly go the Finance Committee to give them time to calculate
our budget prior to our annual meeting 
Social Activities:
Encaustic Painting ~ Sunday, March 30th ~ 12-4pm. Marcia
Berkall of Whitefield, will offer an art class in ENCAUSTIC
PAINTING. Encaustic is an ancient art technique of hot wax
painting. Heated beeswax is mixed with pigment and then applied
to a variety of surfaces created by photos, collages, painting etc.
Cost: $20 - Limit: 6 
Membership Matters:
A very successful Sign Up Sunday occurred last weekend.
Greeters are needed on April 13 and May 11 at the 11:00 Service.
We like to have two people available for greeting. If you see
only one name on the sign-up sheets in Fellowship Hall, just add
your name to the empty space. We can use all the good hands
available. Only one Hospitality slot is available on May 25, the
Memorial Day weekend. Don’t miss out – sign up soon!!
The Membership Committee, Jim, Rita, Nancee &
Newcomer Welcome Dinner
Friday, April 11th in Fellowship Hall at 5:30 pm
The Membership Committee would like to celebrate the
people who will become members of UUCC on the following
Sunday. This dinner is an opportunity to meet with
congregational leaders and other members of the church
family. If you plan to attend this dinner, please contact
Nancee Campbell at (207) 621-7727 or
Membership Ceremony
Sunday, April 13, 2014 at the 9:15 and 11:00 services
Our New Member Welcoming Ceremony is a way of
celebrating those who have become members during the
past few months, and also inviting those who have begun to
be part of our community to consider whether they might like
to join at this time. Membership is a journey of belonging,
deepening one’s commitment to the church community.
Membership is a way of participating more fully in the life of
the congregation. Membership is a commitment to share
one’s time, talents and treasures with the congregation.
Membership enables you to vote during congregational
meetings, and to help shape the direction of our spiritual
journey together.
New Office Hours:
UUCC Office Hours:
Monday 9:00 – 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 – 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 – 5:00 pm
Thursday Volunteer Hours
Maggie Ricker
1:00 – 6:00 pm
Office: 622-3232
Mailing Address:
PO Box 8
Augusta , ME 04332-0008
To become a member, we ask that you express that intention
in a visit with the minister and by signing the membership
book. If you are interested in exploring membership at this
time, please schedule an appointment by calling Rev. Carie
at 207-623-3663 or sending her an email at
Membership Meeting scheduled for April 3rd has been
changed to March 27th at 4:30 P.M. in the Committee
Room. 
Display Case Share for the April display. The theme for April is
Power of Myth. We are focusing the display on myths of creation.
Contribute your poems, art work, artifacts, your own creation
stories. Put items on the Committee Room counter in/next to the
Display Basket. Please be sure to label your contributions so that
they may be returned. We are looking forward to receiving your
contributions. 
Learn more at