Minutes of Special Association Meeting held at St Richard’s Hall on Monday January 6th 2014 at 7.30pm Attendees: 27 Chairing: Martina Keating (Vice Chair) The Chair welcomed all members and thanked them for their attendance. She outlined the reasons for the proposed changes, summarising that the role had developed to be too large for one volunteer to take on and that the flexibility to share officer roles was needed to ensure that CCRA could continue to function. There were some questions from the floor, especially about how a co-Treasurer could operate and it was explained that the Treasurer always works in tandem with another officer for the purposes of cheque signing; and that in any role share the specific responsibilities would be worked out by the officers concerned in conjunction with Management Committee. The amendment to Para 6.1 was proposed: Officer roles may be held jointly by two or more individuals who should be proposed and accepted in the normal way. The result of the vote was as follows: In favour: 25 Abstentions: 2 Against: 0 The proposed amendment to Para 7.4 highlighted that CCRA is moving into uncharted waters in terms of the proposed new structure and how it will work in practical terms. After some discussion the following wording was proposed for consideration: In the event of an equality of votes, the designated Chair of that Meeting shall have a second or casting vote. The result of the vote was as follows: In favour: 25 Abstentions: 1 Against: 1 The meeting closed at 8.15.