partnership workers team meeting



Friday 27


February 2009


Richard Sample - ACLS

Caroline Ball


Lisa Saunders – Castle College

Kay Hargreaves – Eastwood Peoples Initiative

Jo Voce

– Sure Start

Jo Bradley – Home School Liaison

Alison Sisson – ACLS

Richard Lea

– Broxtowe Borough Council

Vicky Syson – Home School Liaison & Brinsley

Parish Council

Item Commentary


1. Welcome,

Introductions &


2. Matters


3. Speed Dating


Richard welcomed everyone to the meeting who in turn introduced themselves.

Apologies were received from the following people

Julie Brooks – WEA

Katrina Farrand

– Castle College

Sarah Taylor – Eastwood Comprehensive


Jane Lyons

The Bungalow

Kay Hargreaves reported that nothing is happening at the moment. The play scheme will continue to operate from there. A youth event took place but it wasn’t as successful as the previous ones, but the event did clash with football on TV! They have a training room big enough for 4-5 people. There are 3 stand-a-lone computers downstairs but would be issues around security if laptops could be used.

Richard talked about events that had been successful in other parts of the county. Different providers are invited to attend where local organisations and community groups can talk to them about what courses they can offer. A similar event is to take place in Stapleford on

Tuesday 19 th May 2009, the venue will be

Fairfield Primary School. A discussion took place about it being a joint event but, this group felt it would be more beneficial to the area if they were separate. The date for the event was agreed as 3 rd June 2009 and the format of the

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4. Adult Learners

Week day would be speed dating in the morning and open afternoon, engaging the public in the afternoon from 2pm – 5pm. Richard is to contact the library as a possible venue. Richard Lea has a list of voluntary groups that he will send to

Richard Sample. Lisa Saunders suggested that learners work could go on display. A planning meeting for this event will take place on 19 th

March 2009, 10am @ Brookhill Leys Primary

School. All COG members to bring back to this planning group a list to groups to invite and ideas for the afternoon event. Richard Sample will contact providers/organisations for the morning event. All to find out what monies can be donated for the setting up of the event.

Adult Learners Week will take place 9 th – 15 th

May 2009. Monies are available for taster sessions and celebration events. Richard

Sample to contact Sarah Taylor re putting something on at the Comprehensive School.

Vicky will talk to the parents group to see if they have any ideas and will then contact Castle college for details of tutors they have available.

5. Course Up-


Richard Sample

Richard Lea

All COG Members

Richard Sample

All COG Members

Richard Sample

Vicky Syson

Castle College

Lisa reported that they are putting together their

Summer term programme. Their courses are more work based lead. They have been working with children in the City and this may be rolled out in Eastwood. They have a good dance tutor who is available. They are on target to meet their ACLS targets.

ACLS Family Learning

Alison reported that there is provider training coming up in the next few months, this includes

SHARE training on 22 nd & 23 rd June,

Strengthening Families on 8 th September and E

Safety Training date for this to be confirmed. If anyone is interested in this training please contact Alison directly. Jo and Vicky both said that they had undertaken this type of training and are running various activities within the school.

Children’s Centre

Jo Voce reported that they have a Works Skills

Course starting Friday 6 th March 2009, this will include CV writing, job applications, interview techniques etc.

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6. AOB

7. Date of Next


There was no other business to report.

Thursday 19 th March, 10am @ Brookhill Leys

Primary School.

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