“Harvest of Fear” Video Sheet Name

“Harvest of Fear”
Video Worksheet One
Name _______________________________ Date ___________
1. What is The E.L.F.?
Earth Liberation Front- radical group against use
of genetically modified food
2. What devastated the Papaya crop in Hawaii?
The papaya ring spot virus. Barriers and chemicals could not stop the spread.
3. How did the researchers possibly solve this problem?
Genetically engineering a papaya that is ‘vaccinated’ against the ring spot virus.
4. What was one of the early genetic modifications for corn?
BT corn- Corn that is modified to produce BT (bacillus thuringiensis) a toxin to kill the
corn bore caterpillar.
5. What school is at the center of Agricultural Research?
Cornell University
6. How is the "natural fiber" cotton a problem for the environment?
#1 user of pesticides and therefore a large pollution or environmental issue
7. What are GMO's?
Genetically Modified Organisms
“Harvest of Fear”
Video Worksheet Two
Name _______________________________ Date ___________
1. Why do most GMO’s not need to be labeled?
After genetic testing the contents or genes present graph out the same.
2. Who are the…
USDA? United States Department of Agriculture- Checks if food is safe to grow
FDA? Food and Drug Administration – Checks is it is safe to eat.
EPA? Environmental Protection Agency – Checks if it is safe for environment.
3. Why are allergies an issue with GMO’s?
Adding genes from something a person is allergic to, to something someone is not
allergic to, it will cause them to now be allergic to it. Unless we track and are aware
of these cross allergies, it could cause issues! Example given was adding a gene out of
a nut into soybean.
4. What is main issue behind the "Starlink" corn?
It contained a protein that was engineered to make a toxin called Cry9C. It was not
toxic to humans, but rather it took too long to digest, making it a potential allergen.
5. How did "Starlink" corn, meant only for animal consumption, end up in food produced
for humans?
Simply put, human error. It’s an error that could have happened
at many different levels of the production chain. But somewhere
along the line, Starlink corn got mixed in with corn that was
approved for human consumption, and sold to a manufacture.
“Harvest of Fear”
Video Worksheet Three
Name ____________________________ Date ___________
1. Give an example of a risk that conventional plant breeding can cause?
Potatoes can be bred to have high levels of a toxin called glycoalkaloids, which can
poison humans.
Celery produces a toxin that is activated by the sun, if through breeding the toxin
become produced at high levels, it can cause a sever rash.
2. What are two major differences between conventional breeding and genetic
Conventional breeding mixes tens of thousands of genes at once, genetic engineering
is much more precise and can move select single genes.
Conventional breeding can only transfer genes from similar forms of life, genetic
engineering can cross those lines and breed between species.
3. Would the strawberries actually smell like fish?
No! The strawberry would still smell, taste and look like an ordinary strawberry, it
just wouldn’t be damaged by cool temps.
4. What steps did the papaya farmers have to take before being able to sell the papaya
into the human food chain?
USDA needs to approve that it is save to grow, the EPA needs to be sure it wouldn’t
cause issues with the environment, and lastly they had to convince FDA that it was
safe to eat!
5. What was one last issue that stood in the way of this papaya?
Some of the genes they added to the papaya were already to patented by another
company. They needed permission or a license to use the technology.
6. Do you agree with companies having a patent on genetics?
Yes- The companies that develop the gene has invested a lot of time and money into
its discovery and development.
No- It gives a relatively small group of people a large influence on the worlds food.
They could deny others the ability to utilize the benefits of the discovery.
“Harvest of Fear”
Video Worksheet Four
Name ____________________________ Date ___________
1. What role did the monarch butterfly play in America’s view of GMO’s?
The American people took note that the monarch caterpillars were being killed by
the pollen of BT corn in lab studies. Gave some people the first look at what the
future could look like.
2. How could discontinued use of GM crops, such as BT corn or cotton, actually cause
more damage to the environment?
Producers would have go back to using more synthetic chemicals. These chemicals
are not as selective as the BT gene (goodbye more caterpillars), and could also end
up causing pollution.
3. What is Organic Farming?
Production of food and fiber in a more natural way, no chemicals, no GMO’s.
4. What is the resistance problem?
Toxins (such as BT or other manmade pesticides) will not kill 100% of the pests. The
pests that do survive are considered resistant. They can breed with other pests that
are resistant and produce a new generation of resistant pests. A form of survival of
the fittest.
5. Who is Norman Borlaug?
Won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with engineering crops that can be produced
in developing countries to save them from starvation.
6. Are GMO’s needed to feed people in America? How about feeding people in
developing countries?
It may be true that in America, we have the land and monetary ability to feed our
country without the use of GMO’s. However, in developing countries they do not have
the same resources nor the same sustainable practices. The technologies in GMO’s
are able to compensate for poor soil conditions, and lack other resources such as
chemicals. This may help lift these nations out of poverty.
“Harvest of Fear”
Video Worksheet Five
Name ____________________________ Date ___________
1. What are the positives behind the GM Salmon?
Reach maturity 4 times faster. The fish will grow even in winter months.
2. What are the negatives behind GM Salmon?
If they escape into the wild, they could cause the extinction of that species of fish.
Although this salmon grows fast, they are not good at reproducing.
3. What is the story behind the GM banana?
It would provide the opportunity to increase the access of developing countries to
much needed vaccines.
4. What is the advantage of golden rice?
Incorporates extra vitamins into rice, and benefits to those whom consume it. Once
again, this rice was bred to help people in developing countries.
5. Why is the biotech industry afraid of labeling GMO's?
Putting a label on GMO’s, it makes it sound like there is something inherently wrong
or dangerous with them. However, studies have found that putting labels might
increase the acceptance in America. American’s like knowing there is a choice for
themselves or others.
How do you feel about GM foods? Do you have overall positive or negative feelings and
Do you see a difference between allowing modifications that add medicine into plants VS
allowing modifications that create resistance to a particular pesticide? Why?
Is there a difference between making plant-to-plant modifications VS insect/animal to
plant modifications? Why?