Water Ecology - Tami`s Biology Courses

Scientific Ethics and Debate
(Great Room T, TH, F 8:30-9:30am)
Welcome to the intriguing world of questions, opinions,
arguments, and debate. We will work to define ethics and
human rights. This class is meant to stretch your
boundaries and cause you to think in ways you will
initially resist. I hope over the course you will learn to
appreciate both sides of an argument, but still determine your own opinions on matters
you have not ruminated on before.
This class will involve writing journal entries on each topic we cover in class, so you
need to have a notebook just for this class that you will not lose. The debates alone are
worth 0.10 of the total 0.30 credits in this class. Do not be absent on these days*. It is
your responsibility to manage field trips and absences, so see me ASAP if there is a
conflict. You have 1 week to drop this class (November 17th) if you cannot handle it.
Grading: Each debate worth 50pts
Complete journal worth 50pts
Essay worth 15pts
Ethic definition worth 5pts
Credit: 0.10 biology
0.10 debate/elective
0.10 academic writing
Week 1
Tues 10: Class Introduction, Define Science and Ethics Assign
Thurs 12: Ethics Overview, 4 Corners exercise, Journal Intro, GMO’s and labeling
Fri 13: No Class (Conferences)
Week 2
Tues 17: GMO small group discussion, Legalizing Medical Marijuana (assign a side)
Thurs 19: Class Debate (Medical Marijuana), Genetic Screening readings
Fri 20: Genetic Screening Think-Pair-Share, Euthanasia reading and Essay assigned
Week 3
Tues 24: Outline shared with Tami by 8:30am, Essay Work Day
Thurs 26: No Class (Thanksgiving Break)
Fri 27: No Class (Thanksgiving Break)
Week 4
Tues 1: Persuasive Essay due (outline, Rough, and Final draft), Biochem weapons
(find an article)
Thurs 3: Biochemical Weapons discussion
Fri 4: Debate Overview and rubric, Topic Draw and Research
Week 5
Tues 8: Pro/Con Draw, Planning (use journals, assign roles)
Thurs 10: Mid-Term Debate 1*
Fri 11: Mid-Term Debate 2*
Week 6
Tues 15: Discussion on Organ Donation (find an article)
Thurs 17: Advanced Directives and DNRs group discussion, cloning readings
Fri 18: Cloning Jigsaw Teaching, animal-testing readings
Week 7
Tues 22: Animal Testing class discussion, stem cell/abortion (class decide)
No School Dec 23rd-January 3rd: Winter Break
Week 8
Tues 5: Stem Cell/Abortion Research and Use lecture and discussion, Rx Readings
Thurs 7: Overprescribed medications discussion
Fri 8: Topic Draw, Team Draw, Research and Planning
Week 9
Tues 12: Final Debate workday
Thurs 14: Final Debate 3*
Fri 15: Final Debate 4 *