`Slimming the Tasty Way`

‘Spring Clean Your Life'
7:30pm – 9:00pm Monday, March 16th 2009
Windmill Inn
Off A556, by junction 19 of M6
Chester Road, Tabley, Nr Knutsford, WA16 0HW
Spring is a time for renewal and growth.
preparing for the year to come.
It is a time when energies should be channeled towards
Typically, we look back to January and the cast off New Year resolutions and wonder why it all went
Spring is the time when we become realists. The period when we can take time to re-evaluate how our
health is influenced by the length of day and the longer hours available to spend following life’s intricate
Imagine being able to clear out all the clutter and really get down to preparing the paths to happiness
and success.
Following after the highly successful Winter Charity Ladies Evening organized by The H Club, we are
pleased to announce that the Windmill Inn has once more agreed to host this event for us at Tabley (off
A556, by junction 19 of the M6 motorway). Please note – this is a ticket only event – advance
reservations are required.
Event concept
Is NLP just highly Technical jargon r is I a truly effective wa f each and every oof u to achieve our goals.
This evening event will aim to explain and demonstrate how it can help you to improve your self image
and Spring clean your life.
You will learn a number of techniques for changing and improving just about anything you wish.
Invitees will benefit from:
an introduction to positive and negative triggers
the experience of maximising positive triggers in a way that will build your confidence of success
a new understanding of how NLP – Neuro linguistic Programming is not just jargon, but is within
us all
This is a by invitation, ticket only ‘Ladies Evening’ for clients and friends of The H Club and it’s member
practitioners. We will again be donating 50% of the proceeds to charity so please get your thinking
hats on and nominate a charity when you book tickets for yourself and your group of friends. The final
charity to receive the funds will be drawn on the night from nominations received. Please let us know
ticket numbers or non-attendance by 12th March 2009 by e-mail.
Why not make it into a full ‘girly’ evening out? Book a supper table for you and your friends by
telephoning the Windmill Inn who have kindly agreed to keep the kitchens open for those of you who
wish to buy supper there. Please pre-book a supper table for 9pm quoting ‘The H Club Ladies Event’.
To reserve tickets (£5 paid on day), contact Gill by e-mail TheHClub@Hotmail.com
Contact The Windmill Inn on 01565-625885 for supper reservations