Energy Conservation policy

Environmental Policies for the Office, Purchasing,
Transportation, and Events
Environmental Policies for the Office, Purchasing,
Transportation, and Events
Executive Summary
This document has been developed by the 2007 “Green Your Space” coordinator
in conjunction with the “Green Your Space” Youth Advisory Board in order to
familiarize BYTE employees with the “Green Your Space” Project. This document
will provide information about environmentally friendly office, events,
transportation, and purchasing policies as they are practiced by the BYTE office.
The highlights of our general principles of operation include using local sources
from our communities and increasing our planning in order to become a Zero
Waste organization and to reduce water consumption, electricity and nonrenewable resources.
We act locally, but our actions have a global effect. Our efforts contribute
to the Global Society by reducing our environmental footprint.
As youth, we are concerned with our future and we want to be proactive,
rather than reactive.
This document has been prepared By:
Rachel Parks, BYTE Executive Director
Isabel Lindemann, Green Your Space Coordinator
Andrew Buchan, Green Your Space Youth Advisory Board
Jade Lacosse, Green Your Space Youth Advisory Board
Rae Sparkes, Green Your Space Youth Advisory Board
Jessica Thiessen, Green Your Space Youth Advisory Board
Joesph Tisiga, Green Your Space Youth Advisory Board
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Welcome................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 History of the Green Your Space campaign ............................................... 4
2 OFFICE POLICIES ...................................................................................................... 4
2.1 OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................... 4
2.2 PAPER .................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 CLEANING SUPPLIES AND BATHROOM SOAPS ..................................... 5
2.4 ENERGY................................................................................................................. 5
2.4.1 Computer Screens ..................................................................................... 5
2.4.2 Lights .............................................................................................................. 5
2.4.3 Office Equipment ........................................................................................ 5
2.4.4 Heating ........................................................................................................... 5
2.4.5 Electronic loads .......................................................................................... 5
2.5 FOOD ...................................................................................................................... 5
2.6 CLOTHING ............................................................................................................ 6
2.7 COMPOST ............................................................................................................. 6
2.8 RECYCLING .......................................................................................................... 6
3 PURCHASING POLICY.............................................................................................. 6
3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 6
3.2 PACKAGING......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 RECYCLING .......................................................................................................... 7
3.4 CONTENT/INGREDIENTS ................................................................................ 7
3.5 BATTERIES........................................................................................................... 7
3.6 OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES .......................................................... 7
4 TRANSPORTATION POLICIES ............................................................................... 7
4.1 BYTE BICYCLES .................................................................................................. 7
4.3 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION ........................................................................... 8
4.4 RENTAL CARS ..................................................................................................... 8
5 EVENTS PROTOCOL ............................................................................................... 10
5.1 WASTE ................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 RECYCLING AREAS ........................................................................................... 8
5.3 TRANSPORTATION............................................................................................ 9
5.4 LOCATION ............................................................................................................ 9
5.5 FOOD ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Welcome
We would like to welcome you as part of our team. This document will introduce
you to our environmentally friendly practices and procedures as they apply to our
organization. For more details please refer to the Green Your Space Employee
Training Manual.
1.2 History of the Green Your Space campaign
BYTE - Bringing Youth Towards Equality – is a registered not-for-profit
organization created in 1998 by a group of young Yukoners who decided to "get
together, share ideas, and take action". The organization's mandate is to unite
Yukon youth to "strengthen youth voice, take action, and bring about positive
change for the wellbeing of everyone".
In its beginnings, BYTE created a value statement comprised of a number of
values. One of the values states “BYTE is environmentally friendly". However,
until the Green Your Space campaign, our organization had not made a
conscious effort to align our actions and protocol with this statement. The
policies, introduced in this document, will help to align BYTE's values with our
A big thank you goes out to Rachel Parks for initiating and over seeing this
project and for coming to BYTE with a passion and expertise in living more
ecologically conscious. As well a thank you goes out to Dr. Tom Puk, Remy
Rodden, Jen Turner, Adam Roth, the City of Whitehorse, Monique Chatterton,
Lewes Rifkin and Raven Recycling.
BYTE strives to create a zero waste office (a), with no waste output. In
conjunction with this, we try to reduce the use of electricity and non-renewable
energy sources (b), and increase our consciousness of water consumption (c).
Purchase of paper with recycled content.
Paper use is to be avoided by reducing printing and copying.
Circulated documents should be sent as electronic copies.
Print double-sided when possible.
Before paper is recycled, both sides are to be used.
Paper that has been used only on one side is to be collected at the office
recycling area and can be accessed by all employees for reuse.
Used paper is to be disposed in the paper recycling in the office recycling
Paper towel use in the kitchen and bathroom is to be avoided, as cloth
towels have been provided.
All cleaning supplies used in the office are to be biodegradable.
They are to be environmentally friendly and health conscious.
Cleaning supplies can be purchased at Three Beans (302 Woods Street,
Whitehorse) for cost plus shipping.
2.4.1 Computer Screens
Computer screens that are not in use for more than 15min are to be
turned off.
The screen safer is to be adjusted to a blank, black screen which comes
on after 5 min (refer to the Green Your Space employee manual for more
2.4.2 Lights
All lights that are not in use are to be turned off.
2.4.3 Office Equipment
Office equipment that is not in use is to be turned off and unplugged to
avoid phantom loads*. This is especially important when the office is
Shut off all equipment at the power bar.
*Phantom load is the use of energy by electronic equipment, even though the electronic equipment is
switched off.
2.4.4 Heating
Pull blinds at night and/or during day to avoid heat loss/overheating.
The heating is to be turned down to 50oF when the office is not in use.
Turn the heat off seasonally when it is not needed.
2.4.5 Electronic loads
During peak times (mornings and evenings) electronic equipment and
electronic heating (e.g. computer, heater boards, water kettle) is not to be
switched on at the same time in order to avoid heavy user loading (please
refer to the Green Your Space training manual).
2.5 FOOD
Staff are encouraged to bring packed lunches in reusable containers from
home to avoid the creation of waste.
All staff should wear season appropriate clothing to avoid additional
heating or cooling of the building.
Layered clothing is the most practical.
All organic waste is to be composted in either the vermi compost or
alternative composting buckets (the latter to be taken home).
All staff needs to familiarize themselves with vermi composting (see "All
About Vermi Composting" in the Green Your Space employee training
manual). Every employee is responsible for a week at a time to ensure the
health of the vermi compost.
If the vermi compost is full, employees are asked to take their
compostable items home or to Raven Recycling for proper composting.
Finished compost to be used for office plants and outdoor landscaping.
All recyclables have to be sorted at the office recycling area. Please refer
to the Green Your Space employee training manual for information on
2.9 E-Waste and Hazardous Waste
The product life cycle provides a guideline and initiates a thought process for all
purchases. Please refer to the Green Your Space employee training manual for
more information on the Product life cycle.
Questions to consider before purchasing:
Is the new product at all necessary?
Can the product be purchased used?
Can the product be purchased locally to avoid long transportation?
What percentage of the product is recycled?
Does the manufacturer take the product back for recycling at the end of its
Does the manufacturer have a green policy?
Does the product come with minimal packaging, and if not can we ask the
manufacturer to minimize the packaging?
Products with additional packaging should be avoided. Choose products
with minimal packaging instead. If this is not possible, contact the
manufacturer and ask for a reduction in packaging.
Bring you own containers when shopping.
Try to buy items in bulk.
Evaluate whether packaging can be recycled/composted in Whitehorse.
All products that are purchased should have a recycled content.
Recycled content may not be possible for all products purchased in
Whitehorse; explore outside sources when possible.
Products should be biodegradable when applicable. Plastics should
always be avoided.
All batteries that are newly purchased have to be rechargeable. However,
where possible, the use of batteries should be avoided altogether.
All rechargeable batteries that are no longer functioning must be recycled
through the appropriate “Charge up to Recycle” program.
Old non-rechargeable batteries are to be recycled.
For a printer or copier: Toners should be refillable
 It is important to regularly check office equipment, office furniture, and
other office supplies for their functionality in order to detect damages early
on. This will provide us with the possibility to repair them at minimal cost
and avoid greater damage. Thus, the product’s life will be prolonged.
When purchasing appliances and equipment choose energy efficient
products (check Energuide information in the Green Your Space
employee training manual).
For all in town errands and meetings the BYTE bicycles are to be used
year-round. If the weather conditions (ice, extreme cold, and excessive
snow) endanger the health of employees other transportation (bus,
walking, car pooling) should be considered before taking the car.
BYTE staff using bicycles must obey all traffic rules.
Bikes must always be locked when unattended.
Paniers should be kept with staff while they attend meetings/run errands
that take more than 5 minutes.
Bikes are not intended for commuting to/from workplace and home.
Helmets must be worn at all times while using a BYTE bicycle.
Bicycles must be maintained in good working order and receive regular
tune-ups; flat tires etc. to be fixed.
The employer provides extra travel time to allow for active transportation
(bike/walk) to go to and return from meetings.
BYTE employees are encouraged to arrange possibilities for alternative
transportation (e.g. car pooling) in order to get to and from work.
If it is not possible to avoid using a car, ensure that the pressure in car
tires is checked regularly and that the car is going through regular
Cars are not to be left running (idling) for more than 10 seconds.
Cars are to be plugged in for 1 hour at temperatures below -10C.
When BYTE requires renting a car, a vehicle with low emission rates (fuel
efficient) must be chosen.
All events have a zero waste target, whereas the creation of waste should
be completely avoided.
The employer will provide extra time to ensure proper planning and
execution of the zero waste policy.
Waste created at any event must be recycled.
Composting should be considered for wastes created at an event.
At all events basic recycling and composting stations must be accessible
and used by all BYTE staff.
BYTE staff also encourages participants to use these stations.
Participants and organizers must have access to mass transportation
(public service, carpooling, van or bus hire).
When people have to travel long distances choose the most efficient
method of transportation to reduce the environmental impact.
Always consider teleconferencing instead of travel.
The following criteria have to be considered when choosing a location for all
BYTE events:
 Is the location/facility of the event accessible with mass transportation?
 Does the location require minimal transportation between venues and
5.5 FOOD
If possible local foods should be chosen for all events
Criteria to be considered during the planning phase:
 Food waste should be composted.
 How much packaging is there, can it be avoided?
 How much energy goes into the production of the food (e.g. Meat - high
energy, grain – low energy) and the transportation of the product (e.g.
apples from New Zealand or Canada) (for more information please refer to
the training manual)
 Can the food be locally purchased and processed?
 Can the food be served on reusable plates and bowls or can you ask
participants to bring their own?
All printing is done on both sides of paper.
Event is publicized electronically and pre-registration is accepted via email
rather than by mail or fax.
“Want more info?” sign-up sheets are at displays rather than
handing out fliers/brochures.
Dates are not used on large signage so it can be reused the next time.
Instead of nametags, reusable plastic holders are supplied for each person to
insert their business cards.
Towels are placed in bathrooms for drying hands.
Recycling and composting stations are accessible in locations throughout
Containers are waterproof, well marked.
Compost will be taken to the city landfill.
The greenest papers are used for event publications.
Mass transportation (public service, carpooling, van or bus hire) is available for
participants and organizers.
The most efficient method of transportation to reduce the environmental
impact is used for long distance travellers.
Carbon offsets are purchased for individuals flying in.
Always consider teleconferencing instead of travel.
The food requirements are estimated as accurately as possible to avoid excess
Food waste is composted.
Excess packaging is avoided (non-disposable containers for condiments and
beverages are used)
Energy for food production (e.g. Meat - high energy, grain – low energy) and the
transportation of the product (e.g. apples from New Zealand or Canada) are
Food is locally purchased and processed as much as possible.
Food is served on reusable plates OR Participants are asked to bring their own
cups, cutlery, and plates.
The food is organic, and ethically grown.
Unused meal portions are donated.
Accommodations are within walking or biking distance from the venue.
Natural light for solar passive energy is used as much as possible
Lights are turned off in unused areas of the building or venue.
Participants are provided with information and possibly free access to public
A reduced rate or a complementary bicycle rental is provided for all
A carpool network prior to the event is set up for participants and organizers.
“No Idling” signs are placed throughout the parking and drop off areas.
Alternative power sources with solar and wind powered
electrical battery systems are sought.
1-2 litre containers are placed in the back of toilets to reduce water flush
Notices are put up near the taps – encouraging people to shut off water when