Debate Overview What do judges look for? Burden of Proof: which

Debate Overview
What do judges look for?
o Burden of Proof: which debater has proven his/her side of the resolution more
valid as a general principal by the end of the round?
o Value/Framework structure: Which debater better established a clear and cohesive
relationship between the argumentation and the value/framework structure?
 The affirmative should offer definitions, be they dictionary or contextual,
that provides a reasonable grounds for debate. The negative has the option
to challenge these definitions and offer counter-definitions.
o Argumentation: Which debater better presented his/her arguments with logical
reasoning using appropriate support? Which debater best utilized crossexamination to clarify, challenge, or advance arguments?
o Resolutionality: Which debater best addressed the central questions of the
o Clash: Which debater best showed the ability to both attack his/her opponents
case and to defend his/her own
o Delivery: Which debater communicated in a more persuasive, clear, and
professional manner?
Effective Delivery
o Written communication: cases and arguments should be constructed in a manner
that is organized, accessible, and informative to the listener
o Verbal communication: be clear, audible, and comprehensible, and speak
persuasively to the judge.
o Non-verbal communication: demonstrate an effective use of gestures, eye contact,
and posture
You will need to prepare the AFF and the NEG for each debate
Order of speeches for LD
o Affirmative Construction
6 minutes
o Negative Cross Examination
3 minutes
o Negative Construction
7 minutes
o Affirmative Cross Examination
3 minutes
o Affirmative Rebuttal
4 minutes
o Negative Rebuttal
6 minutes
o Affirmative Rebuttal
4 minutes
Order of Speeches for PF
o First Speaker—Team A
4 minutes
o First Speaker—Team B
4 minutes
o Crossfire (first question by speaker A1)
3 minutes
o Second Speaker—Team A
4 minutes
o Second Speaker—Team B
4 minutes
o Crossfire (first question by A2)
3 minutes
o Summary—First Speaker—Team A
2 minutes
o Summary—First Speaker—Team B
2 minutes
o Grand Crossfire
3 minutes
o Final Focus—Second Speaker—Team A
2 minutes
o Final Focus—Second Speaker---Team B
2 minutes
o Orally deliver title of source and author’s name
Focus: Debaters must face the audience during question and response
See example of LD outline and PF outline