
Chapter 4 Study Guide
Rheumatologists are physicians who specialize in treating patients who suffer from
diseases of the joints, connective tissues, collagen, and other structures.
Hyoid is the only bone in the human body that does not articulate with another bone.
Tendons connect muscles to bone.
Synovial fluid prevents friction between the bone and the joint.
The combining form used to refer to the fingers or toes is dactyl/o.
Pod/o is the combining form that refers to the foot.
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from one area to another to produce a uniform
population in both.
The humorous is the name of the bone in the arm between the shoulder and elbow.
The area inside a bone that contains the bone marrow is called the medullary cavity.
Skeletal and voluntary muscle tissue is the same thing.
The masseter muscle closes the jaw during chewing.
A podiatrist specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the foot.
The biceps/brachii is the muscle responsible for flexing the arm.
During exercise, the rate and depth of respiration increases to replace the extra oxygen
being used by the muscle; this is an example of how the body attempts to maintain
Insufficient oxygen during exercise results in a buildup of lactic acid which causes muscle
Chondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage.
The combining term Kinesi/o refers to pertaining movement.
Ligaments are a band of fibrous tissue connecting two or more bones.
Muscul/o and my/o share the same meaning.
A greenstick fracture is a break in the softer more pliable bone of an infant.
The areas where the bones of the skull meet are called suture lines.
The congenital musculoskeletal deformity results in the feet being turned outward is
metatarsus valgus.
Round bones is not a category of the four types of bones based on shape.
The congenital malformation known as syndactyly is webbed or fused fingers or toes.
The usual methods of treating the abnormality known as genu valgum (knock-knee) is
no treatment. It usually goes away by age three.
The common name for the abnormality called pes planum is flat foot.
Kryphosis is a common spinal deformity that is known as humpback in teenagers.
Lordosis is the common change in a pregnant woman’s posture and commonly known
as sway back.
Nearly all persons over the age of sixty see signs of osteoporosis.
Gout is a metabolic disorder caused by an accumulation of uric acid in the joints.
The most common orthopedic operation performed on the older adult population
involves the hip joint.
The medical term for the common condition called tennis elbow is epicondylitis.
A subluxation is an incomplete dislocation, where there is some articulation between
the bone and the joint.
The fibrous membrane lines the cavity within the long bones that contains bone marrow
is endosteum.
Ganglion is a fluid-filled cyst that appears over a tendon.
Osteosarcoma is a malignancy arising from bone.
Osteosarcoma occurs most frequently in the puberty phase of life.
Avascular necrosis is a condition resulting from lack of blood supply, which leads to
erosion and destruction of a joint.
Podagra is severe pain in the foot.
Photon absorptiometry measures bone density.
An elevated level of calcium in the blood is called hypercalcemia.
Arthrodesis is a surgical procedure for fixating or fusing joints.
Arthroplasty is the procedure that involves placing prosthesis in the joint capsule.
The brand name used as pharmacological agents in orthopedics, which does not
function to relieve pain and decrease swelling is Flexeril.
The function of the articular cartilage found on the epiphyses of long bones is to cushion
the joint where two bones meet.
Uricosuric agents lower the level of uric acid in the blood.
Osteocytes are living cells of the bone.
Chondrocytes are cartilage cells.
Regarding cartilage, it heals very quickly after an injury, is NOT a true statement.
The existence of epiphyseal line in the long bones indicates that bone growth is