RtI Flowchart If there is a behavioral concern or a student has not


RtI Flowchart

If there is a behavioral concern or a student has not reached, or exceeded, academic benchmarks….

Teacher collaborates with PLC team to identify differentiation strategies and accommodations that may help the student begin to succeed at the expected level.

Begin to document any Tier I strategies at this time with data on the “Intervention

Form”. These teacher-generated interventions should have a duration of 4 –

6 weeks.

Interventions are Problems persist. successful.

Parents are notified prior to proceeding to

Tier II.

Teacher requests meeting with the RTI team for the Tier II intervention process.

RTI facilitator is assigned to the teacher.

The facilitator is provided all necessary data for the first RTI meeting.

Tier II plan is developed at the RTI team meeting. The plan is communicated to necessary staff and parents. A follow-up meeting is scheduled.

Plan Implementation (4-6 Weeks):

Interventions, Progress Monitoring every 2 weeks, Data Analysis. Teacher follows up with facilitator every 2 weeks regarding data and requests support as needed.

The follow-up meeting is held. If showing success, interventions continue. If not, new interventions are planned and implemented in the same manner and time frame as before. Progress and plan are communicated to appropriate staff and parents regardless.

Insufficient progress….Student moves to

Tier III. Consult with Child Study team to determine a plan for assessment and/or intensive interventions. Communicate plan and involve parents in decision making.
