Year 3 Spring Term Curriculum Overview Cave to Coliseum: Growing our children’s curiosity and historical awareness of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, discovering life through the ages and challenges of their time. From the depths of cave life to the grandeur of the coliseum, our children will embark on a historical journey of invasion, settlement and life through the ages. Their time travel adventure will take discovery trips through Britain’s past with stops at the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age with a final disembark at the Roman invasion. Through investigative and hands on project work, our children will be inspired to ask questions about the past, developing their understanding and enquiry of past life and change and the impact this has on their own identity. As part of their time travel journey, our children will engage with Britain’s past through project work, exhibitions, report writing, diary entries and the performing arts. MATHS ENGLISH *Place value in 3 digit numbers and ordering. Count in steps of 10, 50 and 100. *Solve additions and subtractions using place value. Add 2and 3- digit numbers using vertical written addition. *Derive multiplication and division facts. Multiply numbers between 10 and 25 by 1-digit numbers using the grid method. *Investigate patterns in numbers when adding them. * Identify 1/2s, 1/3s, 1/4s, 1/6s, and 1/8s. Find fractions of amounts. * Identify size of angles in relation to 90°. Tell the time to the nearest minute on analogue and digital clocks Non-chronological reports Poetry Adventure and mystery stories Historical writing such as diary entries COMPUTING HISTORY *Programming SCIENCE Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. *Internet research Materials The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain *Power-points *Colour magic *Log-it RE Life of Jesus Easter Pause Days DT Roman vehicle or catapult FRENCH MUSIC Birthdays Percussion Time Recorders Present tense verbs ART Collage Celtic patterns Mosaics Cave paintings Sketching PE Dance: Stone Age Gymnastics: Travelling and sequences Games: net/wall and multi skills