Creative Problem Solving Course Outline 2014

Creative Problem Solving 9
Course Outline 2014-2015
Teacher: Ms. L McGuey
Phone: (403) 777-7190 v:4403
We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist…using technologies that haven’t yet been
invented…in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.
-Richard Riley
The difference between brilliant and mediocre thinking lies not so much in our mental equipment as in
how well we use it.
-de Bono
Creative Problem Solving
The ability to think creatively and be innovative is a skill which is required within contemporary society.
Within this course, students will work to develop and hone skills which will be of use to students now, and
as they progress throughout their education, career and lives. Within this course, students will think
critically to make discoveries. They will identify problems/issues/areas of concern and will work to develop
solutions to them using a combination of perspectives, disciplines and their own imaginations!
Students are expected to arrive each day prepared with all of the necessary materials. In addition to the
conventional materials, students will be asked to have a small notebook which can be utilized for activities
throughout the duration of the course and will be asked to keep an online blog/reflective journal which can
be accessed by his/her teacher for commenting. Students who prefer to keep a hardcopy paper version
of this blog/reflective journal will be permitted to do so based upon his/her learning strengths and
preferences. There is no textbook for Creative Problem Solving.
Academic Integrity
Authentically, this course is based around the need for creativity, imagination and innovation which work
in stark contrast to academic dishonesty and/or plagiarism. With this said, students must be sure that all
work and ideas they are a part of are original and not the work or ideas of another. Students who commit
academic dishonesty may not receive credit for their work. Parents will be notified that an instance of
academic dishonesty was committed.
For more information on academic integrity please refer to your “Student Handbook” or ask your teacher.
Time management is one of the keys to success. It should be expected that students will commit to all
due dates. Should circumstances arise that could impact the meeting of a deadline, students are
expected to clearly communicate this prior to the deadline date at which time a mutually agreeable
alternative will be reached. Students who miss work due to an unplanned absence are asked to see the
teacher immediately upon their return to make up any missed work. Students who simply do not submit
work may not receive credit for the task or assignment.
Student Evaluation
Creative Problem Solving is a project-based course. Students will work individually and in teams to come
up with authentic and innovative solutions to problems/issues/concerns to themselves and their greater
communities. An outcome for the semester will be assessed based upon how a student engages in the
process, finalizes a product or the degree to which s/he engages in reflection of learning within a series
of both group and individual tasks/assignments. Process is the continual practice needed in order for
students to improve their skills in Creative Problem Solving. Product is the end result of a student’s
efforts. Reflection highlights the degree of personal growth which occurs after having engaged in a
learning task. As your child’s Creative Problem Solving teacher, I will post evaluations for individual
assignments online using the progress levels listed below.
The following learning outcomes or “stems” describe what students are expected to be able to do as a
part of this Creative Problem Solving Course. Students will:
1. Develop, apply and refine critical and creative thinking skills.
2. Work and collaborates effectively with others.
3. Develop approaches for inquiry and research.
Further, the following progress level indicators will be used to assess classroom assignments:
I look forward to going on this exciting learning journey with both the students enrolled in this Creative
Problem Solving Course and their parents throughout the first semester. I encourage you to keep up-todate with pertinent information via the Tom Baines School website at Also, you can
feel free to contact me specifically at any time using any of the above listed contacts.
Now, let’s start getting creative, Problem Solvers!