Rock Cycle Ski

The Life Cycle of a Rock
IggyHi, my name is Iggy. I’m an igneous rock. I may be granite, basalt, gabbro, or
rhyolite. You know what. I’m tired of being Iggy. I would like to be called Ted the
Sed or something cool like that. It looks like I have three different directions I
could go. Let’s check them out.
Hi Heather. Do you think you could help me become Ted the Sed. I’m so tired and
bored of being Iggy. It’s such an icky name.
Well, Iggy, I don’t know if I could help you or not. I am heat and pressure. If you
go through me I’m sure you are going to become Morph from Ork. You could
become marble, slate, gneiss, schist, quartzite,
IggyOoh Morph from Ork. I don’t know if I like that name. Well, Heather, I don’t know
if you’re the way to go. Sorry!
Let’s check in with Meltin and see whether he can help me. That’s Meltin over
Meltin, do you think you can help me become Ted the Sed?
Well if you’re traveling my way, your going to be toast then magma. I could
make you obsidian (volcanic glass) basalt, gabbro, rhyolite, or granite
Oh dear. Oh no. That will just keep me producing more Iggys. I guess I will
have to check with
Weather Rose. This isn’t going to work.
Weather Rose, do you think you can help me become Ted the Sed?
Weather Rose:
Well, Iggy with my power to break you down and soak you with sleet and
rain, I may be able to make you sediment. That may be a good start. You could
be siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, or even shale, limestone, or coal.
Connie Compaction and Cementation:
Hey, Iggy, I’m Connie Compaction and Cementation. I can help you after you
become sediment. If you go through Weather Rose and become sediment, all
you have to do is follow my path. I will compact you and cement you to
become Ted the Sedimentary Rock- AKA Ted the Sed.
Iggy- Whoopee! Good bye Iggy. Hello Ted the Sed! Now I can be siltstone,
conglomerate, shale or sand stone.
(Weather Rose, Connie Compaction and Cementation and Iggy walk off stage
arm in arm.)
1,000,000,000 years later:
Ted the Sed: I’ve been Ted the sed for 1,000,000,000 years now. I really want
to change my name again. I’m tired of this one.
How could Ted the Sed get his name changed?