Rhetorical Devices

Rhetorical Devices
Selection of
The process by which a writer communicates a character’s traits to the reader:
 Direct: Through the author’s statements
i.e. Darth Vader is a bad guy.
 Indirect: Through character’s actions, thoughts, or interactions with other characters
(STEAL: Speech, Thoughts, Effect on others, Actions, Looks)
i.e. Darth Vader whipped out his red light saber and cut the man in half.
As overlooked of an element as it may seem, an author’s choice of detail is an essential part
of storytelling. Close reading is all about attention to detail. Often small, subtle details can
determine the overall meaning of a work. When responding to text, analyze every sentence
and every word of a piece to find out what might be hidden in plain sight.
 Specific images, actions, or events that the author chooses to include to add effect
The author’s word choice (Hint: pay particular attention to Connotations and Denotations of
adjectives, adverbs, or choice of verbs)
 Connotation: Implied or suggested meaning of the word (figurative)
 Denotation: Dictionary definition (literal)
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville uses words like “fierce,” “pagan,” “hissing,” “scalding,”
“fire,” and “emblazonings” to evoke feelings and images of hell, evil, horror, and torment.
The general attitude of the author toward the reader or the subject matter of a literary work
which is shown through diction (+)(-), syntax (sentence structure), and selection of detail.
Theme: An aspect of a story that binds together various essential elements of narrative.
 Example: Love
Thematic Statement: It is a truth that exhibits universality and stands true for people of all
cultures. Through themes, a writer tries to give his readers an insight into how the world
works or how he or she views human life.
 Example: Young love can lead to foolish and impetuous decisions and may have deadly
Symbolism: The use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic
meanings that are different from their literal sense.
Symbols: The use of one object or action to represent or suggest something else.