Rock Classification Lab

Rock Classification
Know the three types of rocks, how they are formed, and the characteristics unique to each type of rock
Use scientific test and a dichotomous key to identify rocks and minerals
Using deductive reasoning, classify and identify rocks using a dichotomous key
In this activity, you will:
Look at rock samples and a key that will help you classify them.
Classify the rock samples. The rocks are igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.
hand lens, 6-8 rock samples, and Rock Classification Key data sheet
Check off each step as you do it
1. Choose a rock sample.
Get a numbered rock sample.
Record its number in the data table.
2. Look carefully at the rock sample.
Look at the sample with your eyes alone.
Examine the sample with the hand lens.
Write what you observed in the data table under "Description of Visible Properties. "
3. Classify the rock sample.
Look at the Rock Classification Key. Each step of the key has two statements.
Start with Step 1 of the key. Choose the statement that best describes your rock sample.
Look at the end of the statement. Go to the step number it shows.
4. Classify the rock sample.
Look at the next pair of statements. Examine the rock sample.
Choose the statement that best describes your sample.
Go to the next step number it shows.
Work through the key. Your choices should lead you to a classification that fits your rock.
5. Repeat Steps 2-5 for each rock sample.
6. Use the data table below to record your data.
Data Table
Sample #
(Ex: A, B, C,
Description of Visible Properties
(Ex: color, weight, minerals, layers, shiny, crystals, etc)
Rock Type
(Igneous, Sedimentary,
Rock Name
1. Interpret Use the Rock Classification Key and the information in the table to find the rock type. Write the
type of each rock in the "Rock Type" column.
2. Identify Limits Did you have problems using the key? If so, what were they?
Which samples did not fit easily into a category?
How could you improve the key?
1. Compare and Contrast How are igneous and metamorphic rocks alike?
How can you tell igneous and metamorphic rocks apart?
2. Analyze Examine a sedimentary rock sample in which you can see particles that are held together. In
addition to sight, what other sense could help you classify the rock?
3. Apply Think about what you learned from this lab that would help you make a classification key that
someone else could use. How would you make a key to classify a collection of music CDs?
Write the first pair of statements that would start your music CD classification key. Use the Rock Classification
Key as a model.
Knowledge Targets:
· Know what a dichotomous key is and its purpose
· Know the three types of rocks, how they are formed, and the characteristics unique to each type of rock
· Know the rock cycle and how the three forms of rock can change into each other
· Know that minerals are the building blocks of rocks, have unique properties, and are valuable resources
· Know the difference between chemical and mechanical weathering
· Erosion shapes the earth by water, wind, and ice
Add Skills Targets
Skills Targets:
· Use scientific tests to identify rocks and minerals
· Demonstrate an understanding of how rocks an minerals are used in real life situations
Add Reasoning Targets
Reasoning Targets:
· Using deductive reasoning, classify and identify rocks using a dichotomous key
· Connect the purpose of rocks and minerals with their characteristics
· Make a connection about the relationship between rocks and minerals and understand how different combinations of each determine
the different type of rock formed
· Investigate and research examples where natural forces on or within the earth are changing or have changed rocks through the rock
cycle. Identify these natural forces and explain their roles in the rock cycle.