Animal Presentation Rubric

Name: ______________________
Period: _____________________
Scoring Rubric for Classification Power Point Project
Animal ___________________________
Introduction Slide : Your name, name of animal and picture of your animal
_____ /5
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species – in order (one slide)
_____ /10
Habitat : Where does your animal live? Climate?/Continents/Countries?
_____ /10
What does it look like? Average temperature?
Predator/Prey: What does your animal eat? What eats your animal? Diet?
Fun Facts: Things that are interesting to you…you need at least 5
_____ /5
Pictures: Need to be on EVERY slide! It needs to be pretty !
Presentation Score: Show us the content! Do NOT just read your slides!
_____ /10
______ /5
______ /10
Quantity - minimum of 8 slides ………………………………………………………………………… ______ /10
Quality -Visual appeal – how does it look? …………………………………………………… _______ / 10
Organization - Does it flow? …………………………………………………………………………… _______ /10
Total, Extra Credit and Comments:
Additional Information:
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation WILL BE a part of your grade!
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