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Futures International school
Grade6- Third quarter science revision
Third Quarter exam will include the following:
Unit D: Cycles in Earth and in space
Chapter 1: Movement of Earth’s crust
-Lesson 1: What are the Earth’s layers?
-Lesson 2: How do Earth’s plates move?
-lesson 3: What causes Earthquakes and volcanoes?
Chapter 2: Rocks and the rock cycle
-Lesson 1: what are igneous rocks?
-Lesson 2: what are sedimentary rocks?
-Lesson 3: what are metamorphic rocks?
-Lesson 4: what is the rock cycle?
Chapter 3: Cycles in the solar system
-Lesson 1: what are the parts of the solar system?
-Lesson 2: what are planetary cycles?
-Lesson 3: why do planets have seasons?
-Lesson 4: why do moons have phases?
Chapter 4: Exploring the universe
-Lesson 1: what is the life cycle of a star?
-Lesson 2: what are the features of galaxies?
-Lesson 3: how do people study space?
Choose the best answer:
1-The theory that the plates of Earth are always moving is called:
d-plate tectonics
2-The point inside Earth where an earthquake begins is
d-plate tectonics
3-A break in the Earth’s crust where rocks can move is called
d-plate tectonics
4-The point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake is
d-plate tectonics
5-Which instrument is used to detect an earthquake
6-which of these is being released as rocks in a fault slide past one another?
d-plate tectonics
7-During an earthquake which of these will suffer the most damage?
d-plate tectonics
8. Which of the following causes both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions?
A. erosion S5E1a S5E1b
B. gravity
C. Earth’s inner core
D. plate movement
9- What do igneous rocks form from?
a- sediments
b- mud
c- gravel
d- magma
10- What is molten material at Earth's surface called?
a- limestone
b- lava
c- breccia
d- granite
11- Igneous rocks that are formed as lava cools on the surface of Earth are called
a- intrusive rocks
b- extrusive rocks
c- foliated rocks
d- non of the above
13-Which of the following is a good definition of the word rock?
a- A rock is any nonliving solid found in nature.
b- A rock is anything found in the ground
c-a rock is a hard object
d-a rock is a mineral mixture
14-Of which substance are rocks made?
A. water
B. horizons
C. humus
D. minerals
15-Which effect do high temperature and pressure have on igneous rock?
A. They turn igneous rock into soil.
B. They have no effect.
C. They change igneous rock to sedimentary rock.
D. They change igneous rock to metamorphic rock.
16-Which best explains the glassy look of obsidian?
A. It cooled very slowly.
B. Its crystals are large.
C. It cooled very quickly.
D. It formed as one large crystal.
17.Look at the diagram. Which letter in the diagram shows where igneous rock is
likely to form?
18-Which of these is NOT true of the rock cycle?
A. Soil never becomes rock.
B. Igneous rock can become sedimentary rock.
C. Any rock can become a different kind of rock.
D. Metamorphic rock forms by exposure to heat and pressure.
19-You find an igneous rock with no visible mineral crystals. Where did this rock most
likely form?
A. deep underground
B. in a cave
C. on Earth’s surface
D. under a mountain
20- Which of the following processes can change a metamorphic rock into
sedimentary rock?
a-adding pressure
b-increasing temperature
21-Rock changed by heat and pressure is known as
22-Rocks continually change into other types of rocks into the
a-adding pressure
b-increasing temperature
d-rock cycle
23. What causes the sun to appear to rise and set in the sky?
A. the revolution of Earth around the sun S4E2a
B. the revolution of the moon around Earth
C. the shape of the moon
D. the rotation of Earth on its axis
24-Which is a major cause of temperature changes on Earth?
A. the pull of the moon
B. the tides
C. the angle of the sun's rays
D. lunar and solar eclipses
25-Which are caused by the pull of the moon and the sun on Earth?
A. eclipses
B. night and day
H. seasons
D. tides
26.Which of these is composed of stars?
A. asteroid belt
B. black hole
C. galaxy
D. solar system
Put (√) or (x) and correct the wrong statements:
1- When hot magma cools and hardens, it forms igneous rocks.
2- Rocks that form from magma below the surface are called extrusive igneous rocks.
3- Igneous rocks can be classified according to the type of magma formed them.
Match the clue on the left to the term on the right. Write the letter
in the blank.
1-rock changed by pressure and very high heat
A. igneous
2-rock formed by layers of sediment that bind together
B. metamorphic
3-magma that has reached Earth’s surface
C. lava
4-melted rock that has crystallized
D. sedimentary
Match each word to the words that tell about it.
1-solar system
A. a large ball of rock or gas that moves around the sun
B.a path around something
C. a group of stars that forms a pattern
D. the sun, the planets, and the planets’ moons
E. a huge ball of hot gases
Complete the following:
(Core-plate tectonics-fault-Richter scale-minerals-igneous- Volcano- mantle-magmacrust)
1-In an Earthquake, the ................................. is the point in Earth’s crust where rocks
first break then move.
2-A theory called ............................................ explains the movement of Earth’s plates.
3-The mountain formed when molten rocks reach Earth’s surface through a vent is
4-The ...............................measures the energy released by an Eathquake.
5-The ......................................... of an earthquake is located directly above the focus.
6-From inner most to outer most, Earth’s main layers are...................................,
............................... and...............................
7-The molten rock under the Earth’s surface is...................................
8-A rock formed when a volcano explodes is..................................... S3E1b
9-A rock is a mixture of........................................
Complete the following:
(rock cycle-mineral-sedimentary rock-magma-Igneous rock-metamorphic rock)
1-A natural, solid substance that has a definite chemical composition and physical
structure is a _______.
2-Melted rock that reaches Earth's surface is _______.
3-Rock formed when magma or lava cools is _______.
4-The processes by which rock is formed from other rock make up the _______.
5-Rock formed by layers of material stuck together is _______.
6-Melted rock within Earth is _______.
7-Rock formed by high temperature, pressure, or very hot water is _______.
Complete the following:
(axis-revolution-eclipse-first quarter moon-third quarter moon-eclipse)
1.The length of our year depends on Earth's _______.
2.Certain alignments of Earth, the moon, and the sun cause _______.
3.The imaginary line around which Earth rotates is its _______.
4.After a new moon, the moon enters its _______.
5.After a full moon, the moon enters its _______.
6.A ball of ice and rock orbiting the sun is a _______.
Label the layers of Earth
Complete the following:
1-The thinnest layer of Earth is............................
2-The lithosphere includes................................. and ......................................
3-The layer below the Earth’s crust is..............................
4-The Earth’s core includes....................................... and.................................
What can you infer about the relation between the numbers on Richter scale and the
amount of energy released by an earthquake?
Richter scale magnitude
Less than 3.5
3.5 to 4.5
7.0 and up
Use this space to complete the graphic organizer
Complete the graphic organizer below.
Use this space to complete the graphic organizer.
Answer the following:
1-A friend tells you that volcanoes, mountains, and earthquakes have nothing in
common. You disagree. Explain why.
1-Amy spoke to the class about granite and obsidian. She explained that
granite is an intrusive igneous rock while Obsidian is an extrusive igneous rock
How are granite and obsidian alike and different?
3-How does an intrusive igneous rock compare to an extrusive igneous rock
-Draw a diagram to show the rock cycle. Label the processes that affect the
development and change in each type of rock.