Test Prep - psy1

Test Review
Section 1: (pp. 4-7)
a. Identify What are some examples of cognitive activities?
b. Summarize How do psychologists help their patients control feelings of anxiety?
c. Support a Position Do you think it is worthwhile for psychologists to conduct their research using
animal subjects? Why or why not?
Section 2: (pp. 9-14)
a. Recall To which field of psychology does the largest number of psychologists belong?
b. Draw Conclusions How does the work of experimental psychologists benefit psychologists in other
c. Evaluate Why do you think there are so many specialties in psychology?
Section 3: (pp. 16-21)
a. Identify Main Ideas What phrase, dating back to ancient Greece, has remained a motto of
psychological study?
b. Identify Cause and Effect According to psychologist B. F. Skinner, what happens as a result of
positive reinforcement?
Section 4: (pp. 22-26)
a. Describe According to cognitive psychologists, what influences people’s behavior?
b. Compare In what way are the biological and the biopsychosocial perspectives alike?
c. Support a Position Which perspective do you think reflects the most positive approach to human
behavior? Which reflects the most negative approach? Explain your answers
VOCABULARY: Match the terms below with their correct definitions.
1. Psychology
2. Cognitive Activities
3. Associationism
5. Behaviorism
6. Social-Learning Theory
7. Ethnic Group
4. Psychoanalysis
_____ A. The study of behavior and mental processes
_____ B. Mental processes
_____ C. The theory that people can change their environments or create new ones
_____ D. A group of people who share a common culture, race, or national origin
_____ E. School of psychology concerned with the scientific study of observable actions
_____ F. The theory that experiences often remind us of similar experiences in the past
_____ G. School of psychology that emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives in human behavior
Skills Activity: Interpreting Graphs
Study the bar graph below. Then use the information to help you answer the questions that follow.
1..Compare What percentage of employed psychologists in 2006 were female? How does that number
compare with the percentage of male psychologists?
2. Analyze What trends does the graph show?
SECTION 1: (pgs. 34-37)
a. Identify What is the first step in scientific research?
b. Explain What is a hypothesis?
c. Elaborate Explain the importance of replication in scientific research.
SECTION 4 (pgs. 51-57)
a. Describe According to cognitive psychologists, what influences people’s behavior?
b. Compare and Contrast What is the difference between an experimental group and a control group?
VOCABULARY: Match the terms below with their correct definitions.
1. Hypothesis
2. Sample
3. Longitudinal Method
5. Variables
6. Placebo
7. Ethics
4. Experiment
8. Control Group
9. Single Blind Study
Method researchers use to answer questions about cause and effect
Researchers select a group of participants and then observe them over a period of time
Part of a target population studied by researchers
Substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person’s belief in it
Educated guess or answer to a research question
Factors that can vary or change in an experiment
Standards for proper and responsible behavior
Participants do not know whether they are in the experimental group or the control group
Members of a study who do not receive treatment