Women’s Programs Emergency Book Assistance / Lending Library Application Applications for FALL Quarter 2015 accepted through Oct 2nd or until funds have been exhausted… Maximum $500 in book assistance Student Name: Student ID #: Email: Phone #: Eligibility, Conditions and Process: 1. Student must be enrolled in classes for current quarter. 2. Books must show as “required” according to the bookstore’s website. 3. Student must have applied for funding and cannot be on academic probation or owe the college for any past due fees. 4. Student needs book(s) now and is waiting for funding that is reasonably expected to be forthcoming through Financial Aid Dept., either from a scholarship, Workforce funding, or a source administered by Financial Aid such as Pell, WSNG, etc. 5. Book must be available at the campus bookstore and/or can be obtained within 5 days for up to a maximum $25 shipping. 6. If awarded, Library Staff will obtain the book from the campus bookstore. The student will pick up book(s) from the library to check out for an extended period (up to the last day of the current quarter). 7. It is the student’s responsibility to return any books to the library when due (no later than the last day of the quarter). 8. The library’s system will generate late notices when books are overdue by 3-weeks. Students are billed for the cost of the item; a block will be placed on school record until the items have been paid for or returned. Please complete the following: 1. Describe your emergency need for books this quarter: _______________________________________________________________ 2. From where do you expect to receive funding for this quarter? ________________________________________________________________ 3. Do you expect for this funding to include tuition and money for books, or, just tuition? _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Student Signature _____________________ Date For questions, contact: Kelly Johnson, Program Coordinator Student Support Programs 206-934-6949