Bruce I. Knight Wins First USA Rice Conservation Award

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — December 15, 2010
Johnny Broussard, (703) 236-1451,
Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd, (703) 236-1458,
Bruce I. Knight Wins First USA Rice Conservation Award
ARLINGTON, VA — USA Rice Producers’ Group Conservation Committee Chairman Leo LaGrande
last week recognized Bruce I. Knight’s leadership in and contributions to U.S. agricultural conservation
with the presentation of the first USA Rice Federation Distinguished Conservation Achievement Award.
The award was presented last Thursday during the annual Rice Awards luncheon held in conjunction with
the 2010 USA Rice Outlook Conference. The USA Rice Federation will annually honor those whose
exemplary leadership and other major contributions to conservation benefit natural resources and wildlife
“Bruce is an outstanding individual and conservationist,” USA Rice Producers’ Group Chairman Frank
Rehermann said. “He is the ideal honoree because he combines the strengths of national policymaking
experience and a pragmatic approach to issues gained from his personal farming enterprise.”
“It is the USA Rice Federation’s privilege to present this award to Bruce,” LaGrande said. “Rice
producers are outstanding natural resources and wildlife stewards because they recognize the value and
benefits of sound conservation practices to their families, communities, states, and the nation.”
Originally from South Dakota, Knight now resides in Virginia. He is a nationally esteemed expert on
conservation, agriculture and the environment and a former chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Knight owns and operates a consulting business,
which focuses on conservation and environmental issues related to agriculture.
Knight provided the strategic vision for the development, implementation and management of the largest
expansion of working lands conservation programs in the NRCS’ history. During his tenure as NRCS
chief from 2002 through 2006, the agency assisted 1 million farmers and ranchers in applying
conservation on more than 130 million acres of working farm and ranchlands.
In addition to his service at NRCS, Knight spent many years developing U.S. agricultural policies and
programs as a congressional staff member and on behalf of major agricultural producer groups.
A third-generation rancher and farmer and lifelong conservationist, Knight operates a diversified grain
and cattle operation using no-till and rest rotation grazing systems. His farming and ranching background
has given him the opportunity to practice stewardship and husbandry, providing firsthand knowledge of
the interdependency of animal, plant and human health with the environment.
Knight, an avid sportsman, is married and has two children.
Photo caption: USA Rice Producers’ Group Conservation Committee Chairman Leo LaGrande, left,
congratulates Bruce I. Knight on becoming the first USA Rice Conservation Award winner.
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The USA Rice Federation is the global advocate for all segments of the U.S. rice industry with a mission
to promote and protect the interests of producers, millers, merchants and allied businesses.