Monitoring Student Behavior

First District RESA Teacher Support Specialists participants developed these Tools. Contributed
by Dr. Nelda Bishop, First District RESA and used with permission.
This instrument would be useful in the classroom during instruction. A student’s behavior would be
observed to determine the degree that he or she demonstrates particular behavior skills that are
deemed necessary for students to be successful in the classroom and in life in general. They might
also be used to determine whether in- or out-of-school suspension is warranted.
Rationale: The rationale for using an instrument such as the behavior observation checklist is twofold. One, it helps the teacher identify deficits (or strengths) in student’s behavior. This information
could then be used to develop a behavior plan for the student to follow in the classroom. Two, the
observation tool would provide valuable documentation that could be needed during a parentteacher conference or when discussing a particular student with another teacher experiencing
similar problems. An administrator may also find the information useful if disciplinary issues are
Instrument: The instrument is designed to work with one particular student that has been preidentified as a needed case study. To do observations on multiple students with this instrument,
student names could be color-coded and the checkmarks would then have to match the color of
the name. This may work well with two or three students but with many more it may be confusing.
Ideally, one observation instrument per student would be implemented.
Data analysis: Data would show the degree in which the behavior skills are performed. The
teacher would need to decide which areas of deficit to concentrate on and ways to increase
proficiency in that area. Some means of positive reinforcement should be used.
© Taylor & Francis 2014
Behavior Observation
Student Name:_______________________________ Date:__________________________
Teacher Name: ______________________________
Behavior Skill
On Time and Prepared
1. Arrives to class on time
2. Brings necessary materials
3. Completes homework
Respects Peers
1. Respects others’ property
2. Listens to peers
3. Responds appropriately to peers
4. Respects others’ opinions
5. Refrains from abusive language
© Taylor & Francis 2014
Most of the Time
Respects Teacher/Staff
1. Follows directions
2. Listens to teacher/staff
3. Accepts responsibility for actions
Demonstrates Appropriate Character
1. Demonstrates positive character traits
(i.e. kindness, trustworthy, honesty)
2. Demonstrates productive character
traits (i.e. patience, thorough,
3. Demonstrates a level of concern for
Demonstrates a Level of Concern for
1. Remains on task
2. Allows others to remain on task
Tools developed by Teacher Support Specialists. Contributed by Nelda Bishop, First District RESA.
© Taylor & Francis 2014