United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties 2016 Program Proposal Application United Way of United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties 2016 Program Funding Proposal Organization Name Please submit Program Funding Proposal in the following sequence: _______ 1. A Copy of this List _______ 2. Cover Letter _______ 3. Proposal Application (Word Document) _______ 4. Program Budget (Excel Document) _______ 5. Attachments: IRS 501(c)(3) designation letter IRS Form 990 or IRS Form 990 EZ (most recent) Financial audit (most recent) Management letter accompanying financial audit Agency budget (previous and current year) Agency by-laws Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies Insurance coverage certificate(s) Any required licenses and certificates Organizational chart Board of Directors Roster (include officers, term of service, employment and community affiliations) Annual report (most recent) 1 United Way of United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties 2016 Program Funding Proposal Agency Overview Agency: Address: City, State, Zip: Telephone: Agency CEO: Email: Proposal Contact: Email: Program Name: 25-Word Organization Description: 25-Word Program Description: Is this a new funding request—i.e., is this program NOT currently funded by United Way in 2015? Yes No Program Narrative Please check the Community Impact Priority Area that your program is working towards and list the UWLS Strategy that aligns with your program. Please refer to Page 11 of the 2016 United Way RFP. ______ Education ______ Health ______ Income UWLS Goal and Strategy(ies) your program aligns with: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 1. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION – Describe, in detail, all program services and activities in which program participants are engaged. If the program includes multiple program components, describe each component separately and label the description of each component with a separate heading using CAPTIAL LETTERS. (Word limit: 1,000) 2. PROGRAM DURATION – Describe, specifically, the length of time a typical participant is engaged in the program and the frequency of contacts and/or intensity of services during the time they are involved. What is the optimal length of time and level of involvement in order for a participant to achieve the desired outcomes? If it varies depending on the participant, or if it varies for different groups of participants, please explain. (Word limit: 500) 3. FUNDING REQUESTED a) Operating Budget: b) Project Budget: c) Amount Requested: 4. RATIONALE FOR FUNDING INCREASE - If requesting a funding increase explain your rationale. For example, if the funding will increase the capacity of the program or replace a lost source of funding, please describe. If this is first-time funding enter N/A. (Word limit 450) 5. PROGRAM LOCATION – Describe the location in which the program is delivered, including the address(es) of the facility if the program is site-specific. (Word limit: 100) 6. TARGET POPULATION – Define the target population, including the size and circumstances of the population by which program participants are identified. Include relevant descriptions of the demographics of program participants (which may include age, gender, race/ethnicity, income level, geographic location, etc.). Address the risk factors and community conditions affecting the target population that underlie the need for the program and any other relevant characteristics of the target population. (Word limit: 450) 3 Program Outcomes 1. PROBLEM STATEMENT: 2. COMPLETE PROGRAM LOGIC MODEL: Program Components What is the goal? (Minimum 3) Example: 1) Provide tutoring to academically struggling high school students as part of an after school program curriculum. 2) 75% of participating students receive improved grades in school. 3) 75% of participating students will show increased attendance in school and tutoring sessions. Outputs Number served per component? What will you do? Benchmarks Example: By 6/1/2015 (mid-year): 35 high school aged youth will have attended regular tutoring sessions (3x/week) By 2/1/2015 (end year): 100 high school aged youth will have attended regular tutoring sessions (3x/week) Indicators/Measurement Tools How will you track and measure your efforts? Example: Attendance records Pre, mid and posttests Report cards from teacher Outcomes Anticipated Community Outcomes Number and percent per component What will the impact/result be? Per component, big picture; why is your program meaningful? Benchmarks Example: By 6/1/2015 (mid-year): Of the 35 youth, 75% (26 youth) will have shown at least one grade level improvement in test grades over a four month period. Example: Youth will have a higher record of academic achievement and more youth will graduate from high school. By 12/30/2015 (end year): Of the 100 youth, 75% (75 youth) will have shown at least one grade level improvement in test grades over a four month period. Please DO NOT include this example in your application. 1: 2: 3: 4 Program Budget Narrative 1) Respond to the following questions related to the program budget. a. If this proposal is a joint request by multiple organizations and the allocation will be divided among them, indicate the percentage of the allocation that will be utilized by each partnering organization. (Word limit: 50) b. Are there any elements of this budget that need additional explanation? If so, please explain. (Word limit: 100) c. Describe how your program will sustain without United Way funds, and/or how it will continue to operate in subsequent years once United Way funds are spent. (Word limit: 200) 2) Complete the Program Budget. Download form here: http://uwls.org/our-work/grants/. 5